first Spanish artist to act in the Super Bowl

Los Angeles January 26 Rosalia performs at the 62nd annual Grammy® Awards, broadcast live from the Staples Center in Los Angeles, on Sunday, January 26, 2020 800 1130 nm, live ET500 830 nm via getty images

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Since it is known that The Weeknd tomaría el testigo de Jennifer Lopez and Shakira in what is likely to be the television show with the mayor’s audience of the world, the act that takes place in the media of the Super Bowl, the rumors about the possible presence of Rosalia in the scenario no han cesado. Ambos interprets grabaron recently the remix of the acclaimed theme Blinding lights, one cooperation which logaro paralizar al mundo y en que estaban puestas todas las miradas.

Geen ha sido hasta hoy, tan solo cuatro días antes del acclamado event, when the notice ha cobrado vida: the Catalan artist will be on the stage of Raymond James Stadium (Florida) the nearest madrugada del domingo 7 to lunes 8 de enero.

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A new hit for Rosalía that will be converted into the Spanish second in action in a Super Bowl, only Solri Enrique Iglesias has the right moment, and for the first time in the female interpreter of our country in lograrlo.

Apenas han sido desvelados details of this action that lasts for 15 minutes and lasts for several hours on the television in the millions and millions of people from Lado to Lado del globe terráqueo. The one and only, more than the presence of the Malamente, is that he has the Canadian interpretation proposal the unpacking of his bolsillo the amount of 5.7 million euros for the spectacle is perfect.

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In addition to this duo’s hope, the event of 2021 that will bring the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and the Kansas City Chiefs together with more actions, some on the field, as the national anthem interpretation that in this case corrects Eric Church’s cargo and Jazmine Sullivan or the classic America the beautiful, en manos de HER; otras a través de las pantallas, come el concierto para TikTok who will accept the acclamation Miley Cyrus.

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