First on CNN: Cheney gets a boost from McConnell amid a divisive battle within parties over Trump’s accusation

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell was the youngest Republican to give her a boost on Monday, saying in a statement to CNN that she “has the courage” to act on her convictions following her vote for Trump. last month on a charge. he incited the deadly uprising that plundered Capitol Hill on January 6th.

“Liz Cheney is a leader with deep convictions and the courage to respond,” McConnell said. “She is an important leader in our party and in our country. I am grateful for her service and look forward to working with her on the important issues facing our country.”

The statement comes as a cross-section of GOP lawmakers – from top Republicans in the Senate leadership, such as fellow Republican Senator John Barrasso of Wyoming to some conservative members of the House Freedom Caucus such as Rep. Chip Roy of Texas – defended Cheney in public. of the onslaught of Trump defenders eager to see her defeated. Last week, representative Matt Gaetz of Florida, a close ally of Trump, traveled to Wyoming to rally against Cheney, with former president Donald Trump jr., And asked that she be defeated in next year’s primary election word.
On Capitol Hill, some Trump defenders are trying to oust her from her leadership, though it is far from clear that they have a majority in the House Republican conference to succeed. Cheney’s vote to accuse Trump, along with the votes of nine other Republicans from the House, is expected to be a topic of discussion when the House GOP meets behind closed doors on Wednesday. Some Republicans who supported Trump’s accusation have already been subjected to massive setbacks at home, including South Carolina Representative Tom Rice, who was condemned by his state party over the weekend.

McConnell, who last week voted with 44 of his GOP colleagues in the Senate to keep alive an attempt to dismiss the Senate accusation on constitutional grounds, told associates privately he believes that Trump has committed impeccable transgressions, according to sources familiar with the talks.

Asked by CNN last week whether he believed Trump’s actions before the riot amounted to impeccable behavior, McConnell dropped the question – and later said he was a juror and would judge the arguments. But unlike Republicans in the House, most Senate Republicans distance themselves from Trump’s actions, even though they indicate they will vote to acquit on the grounds that they believe the Senate should not try a former president. not.

McConnell’s statement on Cheney’s defense is more of a full-fledged defense than the one made by Republican leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy of California, presented.

“Look, I support her, but I’m concerned too,” McCarthy said last month, days before he left for South Florida to visit the former president, claiming the two were united in their bid for the House next year. to take back.

McConnell has not spoken to Trump since Dec. 15.

This is a striking story and will be updated.
