First detection of hydrogen chloride gas on Mars News

Hydrogen chloride gas was first detected in the atmosphere of Mars by the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter of the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Russian space corporation Roscosmos. “This is the first detection of a halogen gas in the atmosphere of Mars, and it is a new chemical cycle to understand,” he said.

The discovery of HCl on Mars was the result of a dust storm that hit the planet in 2018. Gases on chlorine sometimes indicate volcanic activity, but the HCl was found in the northern and southern hemisphere of Mars at the same time, and no other volcanic gases were detected. Therefore, the gas appears to be linked to an entirely new surface-atmosphere interaction driven by dust seasons on Mars.

Just like here on Earth, sodium chloride – remnants of vaporized oceans and embedded in Mars’ dusty surface – appears to be lifted into the planet’s atmosphere in the Martian environment by winds. The HCl that was identified disappeared surprisingly quickly at the end of the 2018 dusty season, and there are indications that it may return next year, Esa said.

A graphical representation of a new chemical cycle on Mars

‘You need water vapor to release chlorine and you need the by – products of water – hydrogen – to form hydrogen chloride. Water is critical in this chemistry, ‘Olsen explained. “We also see a correlation with dust: we see more hydrogen chloride when dust activity picks up, a process related to the seasonal warming of the southern hemisphere.” Further reactions can cause the chlorine- or hydrochloric acid-rich substance to return to the surface, perhaps as perchlorates, the agency suggested.

“Regardless of HCl origin, it seems unlikely that the processes responsible for its production and destruction will not affect the rest of Mars’ atmospheric chemistry,” the ExoMars team concludes. “Our discovery suggests that martial photochemistry needs to be revised, taking into account reactions with atmospheric dust or surface gasification.”

One purpose of such Mars exploration is to identify atmospheric gases that are indicative of biological or geological activity, to determine if the planet is ever capable of inhabiting life. Another purpose is to illustrate how much water was and is on Mars, to determine its habitability.

ExoMars not only found HCl in the atmosphere of Mars, but also detected three cases accelerating water loss from the atmosphere, including the 2018 global dust storm, as well as a brief but powerful regional storm in January 2019 and the release of water from the South Pole. ice during the summer months linked to seasonal change. In particular, Esa pointed to a plume of rising water vapor identified during the summer in the southern hemisphere, which would potentially spray water into the upper atmosphere on a seasonal and annual basis.

It is not entirely surprising that there is HCl on Mars, as another chlorine compound – perchlorate – was detected on Mars in 2008.
