find more than 300 migrants hacked in trucks

(CNN Español) – The Mexican governor informs the four that more than 300 Central American migrants, of the 114 eran minors unaccompanied minors, were found in “hacinamiento conditions” the thieves in three trucks in the south of the country.

The vehicles were detected by the Jews in a carriage of Tuxtla Gutiérrez, in Chiapas, by agents of the National Institute of Migration (INM) and officers of the National Guard, informing both entities in a joint communication.

A total of 329 people, some of them Guatemala’s provenances, according to the communiqué. Aggregate that the rest eran of Honduras, and that no powder can improve its regular condition in Mexico.

The minor unaccompanied minors and persons in any known family may be under the control of the System for the Integral Development of the Family (DIF) and the adults will be transferred to the Cupapé migration station to “initiate their administrative migration procedure”.

The communication affirms that the three drivers of the trucks were able to dispose of the authority by the possible offense of trafficking in persons, but did not explain if they had legal representation or would declare the signals.

The hallucination of Central American migrants took place only hours before the governor of Mexico announced that migrant agents and security forces with the aim of “salvage the new migrant”, as indicated by the four inmates of the other INM.

The governor informs the firefighters that during 30 days they will be operating on the front lines to “salvage the rights and integrity of minor migrants from different Central American nations”.

The INM signaled that between the 1st of January and the passing juveniles identified 4,180 nuns, nuns and adolescents accompanied and unaccompanied, women traveling irregularly in Mexican territory. Agrego que supuestos “guías” los llevan hacia Estados Unidos.
