Find in Coamo el cuerpo sin vida de la madre en enfermera desaparecida en Barranquitas

The Aibonito Area Investigation Team informs this month that we will find in Coamo the team without life of Angie Noemí González Santos, the nurse and mother, of 29 years, who has been reported to have disappeared by his spouse since the 15th of this year.

The late Héctor Maldonado indicated that he would like to lie to the high priests that the González Santos parish confessed to being assigned. The accepting man haber launched the body in a precipitation.

The body is found in the Coamo Arriba barrier in the PR-555 carriageway, 4.8 kilometers, in the town hall.

“We found the body in a precipitation of a 30 pie. We will continue the investigation with the delivery of videos and evidence. We will meet again in the parish of this young man and he will confess the highs and lows we have this area where we are highs ”, narrated by Maldonado.

González Santos’ body shows signs of violence.

The wife of the woman is Roberto Félix Rodríguez Díaz, 35 years old, who reported the disappearance and is now the main suspect in the crime, for which he was arrested.

According to Maldonado, Rodríguez Díaz, the matriarch, told his wife that the report had disappeared, “because he has not recovered from his death”. The man is the mechanical mechanic of the profession and the father of the three heirs whom the sobreviven to González Santos, according to the Uniformed.

The tenant, without embarrassment, has not been informed of the motive of the assessee or the circumstances in which he is involved.

“There is no army type recovering from the scene,” said Maldonado.

The tenure affirmation that Rodríguez Díaz confesses, in addition, by which assumption to his case, for all the information is reserved until the case before the court for the loading of cargo.

Currently, Agent Ocasio of the Division of Homicide of the Criminal Investigation Corps of the CIC of Aibonito and the fiscal Víctor Casiano are investigating these cases.
