Final Scratch for Assembly Legislative Level 95% Advance; some months ago we will end the content

Magistrate Guillermo Wellman considers that the final scrutiny could be finalized between Monday and March. The first days of the process were marketed through a tense atmosphere and incidents with government officials.

With normalcy. Asi advances the content of votes in the third day of scrutiny after the agreement issued by the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE), according to this domino the Magistrate Guillermo Wellman, who updated dates on the progress of the process of elections.

At 1:25 pm I received 95.36% for the Legislative Assembly; 45.08% for Parlacen and 21.24% for municipal concessions, ”Wellman told El Diario de Hoy.

TO PUEDE INTERESE: Director of Migration, Ricardo Cucalón, finge aggression and look at the piece in the middle of final scrutiny

“If the following months are working as he has been working until now, I believe in the night and we will be terminating”, dijo. Además, habló sober lo hat ha retressed the process.

“What we have retrieved is the contents of the Assembly, the municipal councils van be fast”, agreed.

The magistrate considers that the final scrutiny, including the acts of the Parlacen and municipal councils, will be completed between Monday and March in the next week.

FAR: TSE wants to close the system for final escalation and mediation of electoral vigilance

It is a lie that the juevas passed on March 4, the TSE decided to close again the final content of the votes, debit and some inconsistencies in the information system that would have informed the authorities of the electoral.

The advance of the final escrutinio continues to pesar the critics received a rais de la reforma de Instructivo de Escrutinio Final if the judiciary is approved, as long as it authorizes each party to have a representative with you and vote in the 49 installed months, as well as 49 credentials of property owners and 25 credentials of suppliers to the political institutes.

The tensions at the capital hotel where the final scrutiny took place will also commemorate the passing of Jews, as the head of the General Directorate of Migration and Foreign Affairs, Ricardo Cucalón. was laid to rest in full court on one of the steps installed by the Tribunal. The hecho recorded recorded videos circulating and social speeches.
