Final Fantasy XVI is ‘fairly action-oriented’, but includes the story-focused mode

Final Fantasy XVI

Final Fantasy XVI producer Naoki Yoshida appears during the “Game Hack” corner in the latest episode of the Tokyo FM radio program One morning today, where he briefly discussed the upcoming Final Fantasy XVI.

Get the treats below.

  • Final Fantasy XVI is quite action-oriented. It’s a Final fantasy with story and action
  • (What about players who are not good with action games?) We would like players to enjoy the story, so we are preparing a mode for players who want to concentrate on the story. Since we have a lot of support actions, we naturally prepare something that is easy to use and play smoothly. Do not worry too much (players who are not good with action games.)
  • I’m from the generation that the Final fantasy series of the first game in real time – I’m almost in my 50s. I think the Warriors of Light grew up in their own worlds, so I want a world of Final fantasy that those who know the good and the bad of reality can also be passionate. I believe that certain hardships are experienced when you become an adult, so I want to make the main theme of this game something that those who grew up play Final fantasy and understand reality, can still enjoy, take something out of it and think about it.

Final Fantasy XVI is in development for PlayStation 5. Read more about the game here.

Thanks, Games Talk.

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