Final Fantasy XIV gets art exhibition in Japan this month


If you’re in Japan later this month and you love Final Fantasy XIV, Square Enix has a treat.

If you’re in Japan later this month and you love Final Fantasy XIV, Square Enix has a treat.

The publisher has announced that an art exhibition dedicated to the game will be presented at the picturesque O-YANE Plaza venue in Roppongi Hills, Tokyo.

The exhibition lasts only a few days, from 8 January to 12 January.

Not only the exhibition will display artwork from the game, but also beautiful views displayed in different weather conditions via beautiful screenshots.

The LEGO Club of the University of Tokyo will contribute its own piece made with more than 200,000 blocks representing one of Final Fantasy XIV’s cities. It took more than half a year to be led.

You can see some photos below.

We already know that Square Enix will be hosting a big event in February, when the new Final Fantasy XIV expansion is likely to be announced.

Final Fantasy XIV is currently available for PlayStation 4 and PC and Square Enix recently announced that it has surpassed 20 million players.

If you’re generally interested in the game, you can read our latest interview with producer and director Naoki Yoshida-san, another with composer Masayoshi Soken, and our review of Shadowbringers.

Recently, the 10th anniversary of the arrival of Yoshida-san as director and producer was celebrated, while the New Year just started celebrating during the Heavensturn event.

You can also watch a new video focusing on Shadowbringers’ story and a new adaptation of the theme song.
