Final Fantasy 14 Endwalker expansion – new content from the 6.0 announcement window

The new FFXIV expansion brings quite a bit of new content that players are already excited about, including a new healer, housing, and non-combat modes.

The Final Fantasy 14 Announcement Showcase has brought exactly the level of expected news, as the team has been hinting at for months. The most important thing is that we brought the preview to us Endwalker, the latest extension that suggests patch 6.0 of the MMORPG.

But of course they could not just leave it at that. Announcements are usually made on this scale on ‘Fan Festivals’, which are two-day events FFXIV fans. This means that beloved director Naoki Yoshida, starring overhead and English translation chief Koji Fox, had enough to present instead of a typical Fan Fest lead speech.

Many of the key features of Endwalker was unveiled during this presentation. We have summarized some of the most interesting changes and new features to come.

As for the release date – all we know is ‘Autumn 2021’. But in recent years, as a wise man once said: Let enlargement contract, it becomes immediate. ‘In other words, who knows how long it will actually feel?

New FFXIV Extension: Endwalker, The End Of The Hydaelyn / Zodiark Storyline

Since 1.0, players have been following the quiet, simmering war between Hydaelyn and Zodiark. And although the importance of this has remained silent from time to time, Shadowbringers brought this massive story to the fore in ways that have consequences for the FFXIV universe. We already know that Hydaelyn manifests as the mother crystal, and some story suggests that Zodiark linked a manifestation to the moon.

Now it turns out the FFXIV team goes out of their way to finally pay attention to this story and earn its importance. Players invested in the lore will eventually make a profit, as it is explicitly stated Endwalker will focus on the explosive implications of what we learned about Hydaelyn and Zodiark. After the events of Shadowbringers, we know that this relationship – and our relationship to each entity – is more complicated than we originally knew.

Now, our journey to understand includes a journey to the moon! Because apparently multiplayer games can not escape the moon, I think. But we also see Garlemand, who … hm, spoils. Actually, there’s just a bunch of spoilers going on, so I’ll just leave it at that.

If you are concerned about this finish FFXIV yourself, do not worry! Yoshida and Fox go to great lengths to reassure us that it will not end FFXIV self. They claim that a new bow will be launched immediately after the 6.0 storyline. After all, they say that the end is often just the beginning – ‘they’ here in the general sense, and also of Yoshida and Fox themselves.

New FFXIV Healer: Sage

It seems that we will get two new roles again Endwalker‘s release: one healer and one melee DPS. During the Announcement window we heard about the Sage, the new healer. Sage has a nice, cool design with four floating sword-like devices. It is, of course, inspired by Gundam and other modern weapon styles, as joked in the stream. Alphinaud will be the representative NPC, as shown in the Endwalker trailer.

What we do know at the moment is that it will be useful, similar to Scholar, which is a “barrier healer”, as described. Players can provide obstacles and healings, as well as buffers for their own fighting and healing magic.

You must purchase the extension to access this class; but once you square it, you can pick it up in Limsa Lominsa as soon as any of your classes have reached level 70. And if you want to know more for now, we’ve talked a little more on about what’s coming with Sage, so check it out!

Island Sanctuary

If you’re looking for more comfortable endgame content, it looks like Endwalker will have plenty to do with its new Island Sanctuary. It looks like you are located on the new island of Thavnair, and you will have your own island to rejuvenate you and get your hands dirty!

Island Sanctuary has been described as a potentially “fun and relaxing” experience with some new features. You can take an infertile island nation and turn it into something fertile (maybe literally?). Although it seems to be focused on craftsmanship and collection, the developers ensure that those without jobs that are not produced can also benefit.

We do not yet give the full details on which game will be launched, but we do have some tips. We are told that we will be able to collect and sell items to others, and to leave our underlings to hang out. Brief speculation here, but perhaps this is ultimately the answer to Chocobo growing up and gardening behind housing. Who knows? Regardless, it looks as exciting as relaxed!

Ishgard Housing

Yep, it’s here. This has been confirmed. It’s finally coming. This is Ishgardian Housing.

With the completion of the Ishgardian Restoration, it sounds as if we now have the option of occupying the obligatory local adventurer housing in Ishgard. This is of course sought after, given the praise for Heavensward’s high-fantasy theme region. It will be the second housing district to be outside a hometown, next to Shirogane, located in the theme of the Far Eastern region Stormblood.

In terms of logistics: once 6.0 starts, we will be able to look at the new areas before the housing actually drops. However, as with Stormblood’s Shirogane version, the call option will be with 6.1. It will have the same number of wards as every other housing district.

Personally, I know MANY role players who will pull out the housing for Ishgard – even non-Ishgardians. This is a very exciting prospect, as the city’s game keeps its gates open for new economies. On top of that, of course, there are a lot of Ishgardian role players. Are you going to be part of the Ishgard Housing (Savage) rush?

No more belts

They just remove the belt slot. That’s it. This is the news. They explained quite explicitly that it’s not just for statistical purposes, but mainly because it does not show up, so you can not even shine with them. (On the other hand, rings remain largely due to cosmetic needs.) It also appears to be part of a plan to scale back combat statistics.

Once 6.0 hits, your tire will not be equipped. YOU CAN get back the belt you fitted at the Calamity Salvager just in case you want to sell it or something. (You can always sell it at the Doman Enclave.) But what good is a Final Fantasy game without the seat belts? Tragic.

Then there are again some pants in this game belts and some cloth for your private belongings. Or in the not-so-high-fantasy tradition of Square Enix, some clothes are actually a bunch of belts held together by pure stylistic audacity. Take it as you wish.

Will you miss belts? Or are you too busy looking for Ishgardian housing to pay attention to?
