One of the most wanted couples of showbiz is separated. After months of rumors, Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodríguez finally decided to break with his compromise and end his relationship, asi dier dieron a conocer el pasado 15 april april trava una exclusiv para el medad estadounidense ‘Today‘.
‘We love him because we are the best friends and we will hope to be safe. We will continue to work together and support each other in our negotiations and shared projects. We design the best for the days and for the days of the days. By respecting them, the only other comment that we can say is thanks to all who have sent us lovely words and supports”, Expresaron.
La separation a month after several media outlets confirmed that the party was not in office. In which words, dicha information was denounced by its representatives, who signaled that JLo and ARod were only “present for various reasons that they intend to resolve”.
Filtran imagenes de Jennifer Lopez llorando tras discussion with Alex Rodríguez
Now, after the official separation between the Diva del Bronx and the ex-football player, the press has filtered images of the experience while having an agitated conversation while JLo is losing. I agree with the paparazzi, This discussion takes minutes before the couple descends on his vehicle to enter the gym.
Filtran photos of Jennifer Lopez llorando tras discussion with Alex RodríguezEnero 4, 2020. Los Angeles, CA. Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez. discussing in the car before entering the gym.
Backgrid (The Grosby Group)
Filtran photos of Jennifer Lopez llorando tras discussion with Alex RodríguezEnero 4, 2020. Los Angeles, CA. Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez. discussing in the car before entering the gym.
Backgrid (The Grosby Group)
The images are appreciated Jennifer Lopez without makeup and makeup in los ojos. “Jennifer Lopez was starring in a gym class with Alex Rodríguez. Jennifer can see her makeup and with the car she thinks while she and Alex appear to have a serious conversation before going to gym”, Signal the paparazzi in the description of the images.
Posteriormente, Jennifer Lopez got into trouble with the vehicle, carrying sun loungers and entering the gym.
Cabe mentions that, although these photos appear to be going viral, in fact they were made several months ago, to be exact, the 4th of 2020, for what many have begun to create the couple has been arguing about their problems since time immemorial. Does Habra have this “end of the word”?