Filtran images of the Luis Miguel series with scenes from his story with Mariah Carey

Without hesitation one of the most experienced series is the second time of Luis Miguel: The Series, since in the last few days he has revealed more details, then Netflix has given some views to get to know the estrangement.

Prohibition of probes, now se image filter of the grabs of the series, in which they can be seen Diego Boneta in a location adapted with not artificial and has been able to see a woman with an abundant cabellera, muy al estilo de Mariah Carey when he started his relationship with Luis Miguel.

Se nem aan que las scenadas filmedas at this moment, habrían sido del romance row Luis Miguel y Mariah comenzaron en December 1998, pues la ambientación de invierno, correspondonderia a la epoca en la que initiate su relación en Aspen, Colorado.

mariah carey y luis miguel romance serie segunda temporada

Asi lucía la pareja en los 90:

mariah carey y luis miguel romance serie segunda temporada

Cabe records that the movies of the second part were suspended due to the pandemic, but this week was renewed and to reload a little, Diego Boneta work and be seen rent an exclusive restaurant in the Polanco area, in the City of Mexico, but not alone, a mysterious woman is lying on the floor.

mariah carey y luis miguel romance serie segunda temporada

By the light of the time captured by the rooms of the Aztec program, it is not possible to distinguish between the young man who accompanied him in the new Renata Notni o nee, although one of the workers of the log house dio details of what cenaron, “Comió rica carne, ostiones, almejas, if it goes well, it always goes well as life for here ”, comment, although the logarithm defines who was the mysterious joven, ‘Yo he was seen with various friends with those who came but I did not see him as amorous ”, finalized.

Here is the night of grabs and prices:

Además, the actor was intercepted for his restaurant salida and no quiso converse much, pues only comment that is excited about the new era and invited the public to a fair.

mariah carey y luis miguel romance serie segunda temporada
