Filter first photos of Colunga as Malverde

Fue en 2015 cuando Fernando Colunga last week’s apartment in chic pants, this is in the telenovela ‘Passion and power’ which protagonizes the lad of Susana González y Jorge Salinas; and although its participation has a good reception with the public, through this project, the television galan disappears apprehensively.

Sondeverbod, dit is 2021 signifies the regression of the actor’s triumph, then recently it was announced that the next month in February will be the start of the series’ grabs ‘Malverde: El santo Patrón’, donde Colunga finds the papel ‘El Robin Hood de los mexicanos’ and that is transmitted by Telemundo.

Now, there was the television show that shared some images in the series that Colunga showed off his new look like the Mexican band, in addition to a promotional video clip in which the actor had a conversation about the project: “My name is Fernando Colunga and I am preparing for one of the most important characters in my career. Santo de mucha gente buena y gente mala también, pero así somos sanantos ¿no? We do it all, for good or for bad”, Dice in his promotional.

Ve: Fernando Colunga reveals the reason for not having social speeches

In the clip, the 54-year-old actor is ideologically a famous character, with the bigot that characterizes him, a cicatriz in the one who is drawn and drawn, contrasting a little with the serial image and always aligned to what we have acostumbrado.

In some interviews, the galley has revealed that it is a great honor that this person is related to him, by the significance that he has for many people; not only for people who are dedicated to the trade of elusive substances, also for all those people who help in their time.

Colunga en Malverde

In addition, it was reported that the project means a great deal of retardation in his acting career, because he was starring in the television during various years, because he hopes for a different story than the one he worked on.

Passion and power

Also: Diez things that we do not know about … Fernando Colunga
