Fijan for its four years of media coercion against Argenis Contreras

The Judgment of Instruction of Instruction of the National District fijo for the month at 10:00 a.m. the hearing of the audience of the cause of rebellion and the mediation of coercion against Argenis Contreras, main implication in the assessment of the Professor of the University of the University (UASD), Yuniol Ramírez.

The information provided by the defense attorney for Contreras, Plutarco Jáquez.

The audience will be Kenya Romero’s cargo, inside the district of the National District. The event will be held in the Auditorium of the Octave Penal Court, located at the Palace of Justice of the National District.

Mirna Ortíz, Magistrate and representative of the PGR explained that against Argenis pesan accusations of assessment, association of malpractice, occultation of corpses and administrative corruption and that in this case he was sent to court.

Ortiz agrees that at the fundraiser the clerk will work with the demas involved in the assignment.

Confían en Publicio Público

The family members of Yuniol Ramírez express that they are confident that the General Prosecutor of the Republic will carry out a good work against the principal involved in crimes against his parents.

“Obviamente esa desconfianza (mustrada ante la anterior gestión) ya no existe, nosotros nos reunimos con la procuradora Miriam Germán, sometimos instancias y mira, ya Argenis. Nosotros seguimos con el mismo annimo, eso cambiará cuando caiganosos.

Agrego as well as the procurator Jean Alain Rodríguez as the tax collectors, Olga Dina Rodríguez and Rosalba Ramos can be seen as compliments, and there is no attempt in addition to Argenis.
