FIGURE – Sharon Stone: “I have 62 years and I did not import anything from a palm tree on the trail”

Sent to the balcony of his Beverly Hills home, Sharon Stone lamented that the flirtation had disappeared. “I’ve been told that the guy has no silver lining on the floor”, said the actress, nominated for an Oscar by her papers on Instincto Basic and Casino, and now Ratched’s protagonist, the Netflix drama series created by Ian Brennan and Ryan Murphy, Alguien’s precursor to the cuckoo’s nest.

«Eso de silbar y coquetear tenía su gracia, pero ha pasado a history. This era is happening ». Stone encodes men with elegance. «The people now are distinct. Technology has finally made the game of seduction, and the personal interaction of all life … It’s something you have never seen. Las personas ya no coquetean cara a cara. And I do not believe that it is true that you are the one who is affecting our children, so it seems to me irrelevant ».

No doubt it is irrelevant in the case of Sharon Stone. Apoltronada in a sofa without open makeup and dressed with a white blanket shirt, this is the most guapa that when empezó to search the life as a model antes to complete the 20. Hace 25 años decía: think of me. Tenia the aspect of a Barbie, pero, when abría la boca, mi voz resonaba comi si me hubiera pasada la vida pegada a la barra de un bar. And there are some things that we do not like ». The Sharon Stone has not had any Barbie children, but I also felt that she had changed her mind.

One week ago, the actress posted on Instagram a series of published publications detailing the strains the coronavirus was causing in his family. The mother was taken to her hospital and her mother was hospitalized by Kelly, her husband, and his wife. “Suplico a todos que se pongan las mascarillas”, dijo a sus seguidores, a quienes instaba a «votar por la vida», ‘n kieser aan Joe Biden y Kamala Harris. And remember with the phrase: “With women in power, we will listen to the families”.

During your own career you will find that you are dealing with toxic masculinity once and for all. For the last few years, he has been talking about the fact that the word “follable” was synonymous with “merecedora de un papelito” or when he was working with a director who invited me to send in his message to listen to his indications. ».

Explain, his questions and objections to the large number of years will play against him. “As far as I can tell, I was forced to create a difficult family. It’s just that. Sharon is a difficult actress, it is not easy to work with Sharon … ».

What things have not changed since then? “No lo sé”, dice, twisting the gesture. “Have you seen any other unconditional condemnations of the women and days that actually affected them?” “The only thing that matters is that there are other, more humiliating situations, but there are those who calculate what type of aggression is required in plants. A Veces-son symbolizes details: a mirada, a ladear la cabeza. Y lo mejor es reírte o largarte. But there are moments when those who plant, say ‘for there is no step’ ».

Después of 40 career years, two marriages (was born with the producer Michael Greenburg between 1984 and 1990 and with the periodist Phil Bronstein from 1998 to 2004), three adopted children (Roan, 20 years old; Laird, 15; and Quinn , of 14) y haber sufrido un grave derrame cerebral a los 43 años, Sharon Stone ha aprendido unas quantum cosas. The school principal: “In the life of teenagers who shine through what they import from the world.” “Prefiero does not lose the time or complicates the life with injuries”, responds when asked if there is a problem that the treatment of “preciosa” or “cariño”. «No, I’m important to digan ese tipo de cosas. Y, francamente, no me import si alguien me da una palmada en el trasero. Undoubtedly, I believe that these things are a victory with little … Quiza is because he is 62 and he lives as if he really needs my attention ».

I’m very sorry that I’m always wary of the same thing, that one of the sequences of the movie that made me want to pulsate the ‘pause’ button, his piercing cross in Instinctive Basics in 1992, Stone did not mention the hue famosa. “This film is a point of sociological inflection -afirma-. As always, it was very criticized. When you are valiant and playful, when the car and haces are different, it is clear that you have to play. Pero valió la pena. Because I changed the shape in which we saw the women in the movies. The form of directing the women today is different. I believe that the women have at the moment not seen the verdadera voz in the cinema ».

Go to university at 58

Stone creation in the meadville of the people (Pennsylvania), the second of the four Germans. His father was a worker in a factory; su madre, kontabel. Alumna more than destacada, in the institute the passage to superior courses one and another time. “Between the ages of 11 and 14, I am fascinated by a number of women who are ahead of their time, like Gloria Steinem. Feminism is very much alive when you are 12, 13, 14 years old … Just when you are trying to do things. What did you do with your life? Yo me fijaba in those women and I decide: I want to be like them! ».

The hecho that Steinem made one of Stone’s personal heroines explains why the actress never feels obligated to choose between the sexy and the serious. Having a facade of both faculties, the Crawford County Beauty Contest and one that allowed admission to Edinboro State University, a creative writing study and fine arts. Without embarrassment, for some time now the studios and staff have been working for a New York modeling agency. 22 years ago this work and debuted in the movie as extra in the comedy Woody Allen Recuerdos (1980). The film that launches into the family of Total Disappointment, is interpreted as an incubating agent who happens to be the wife of Arnold Schwarzenegger. The new ones were the exciting moment of his career, when he appeared in Acosada, The Specialist, Fast and Mortal and Casino, among others. Sondeverbod, these movies are not enough to cover your needs.

Don’t be late to attend the VIH / Page Concentration Campaign and at the right time be a good knowledge of science literature on the topic. At the age of 58, we went to university to study.

Tengo is interested in saber if his decision to resume studies due to a delayed effect reaction to the form in which Hollywood has treated since 2001 suffered an embolism with cerebral hemorrhage during new days. “I found out that right now there is no such thing as another time of year,” he said at the time.

The doctors say there is a probability of one to sell with life. The operation lasts for hours and 22 spirals are inserted into the cerebrum. If salvó, pero need to sit down to recover. “There are moments when I create that no one wants to be in the wrong”.

The cerebral drama must take place in a particularly difficult moment. Bronstein y ella vestig ‘n punto de divorciarse; the battle for the guardian of his wife, Roan, hizo that the situation will lead to more pain.

If there is any dementia that happens in a situation that is traumatic, it should be avoided if a global pandemic occurs, in which case the case is minor. But, as a subtraya, in case of trauma, the fundamental is changing. “And now I have a much more subtle sense of reality, which allows me to admit that life has already been a void. For many people, the changes result in very difficult. But who has suffered from a heart attack, from a cancer or from a traumatic divorce, from some examples, knowing that the situations of this type are in an exponential manner. And what follows is a new life; vuelves a nacer ».

“Johnny Depp Fantastic”

Sharon exemplifies the dazzling swimming pool azul a sus pies. “The curiosity about how we will recover from this, from the coronavirus crisis, because now we are all ‘renaissance’ in the future.”

Was fascinated by the concept of becoming a nacer who wrote a book of memoirs entitled The beauty of living two (‘La hermosura de vivir dos veces’), about the parts of its existence. It was announced that it would be published in March 2021. “Once you have seen a growing number of people, appointments to understand that the only thing that does not change – if you are strong and you will do it – this is the fundamental nucleus of your personality, you authentic yo. Your integrity, the limits that te fijas… is the only one with what you can count ».

His opinions have the spirit of spirituality. I have been talking about the recent judicial vicissitudes of Johnny Depp – “Conozco to Johnny since he was a horse and is a fantastic fan; attentive and considerate, very friendly and generous. For this is the sensation that the problem has much more to do with it being sobering “- or to refer to Trump:” Hecko, I have empathy. Porque is descorazonador verl. I suspect he has some trauma from the niece. It seems to me that these traumas, sean los que sean, provoke that constantly being tortured and haciéndose daño to be different. What rebuttal influences in its sequels that it has, that which has led to the abandonment of Nazi symbology. They are people with an interior interior that assists, and that interior design of the surface and the feelings of insecurity ».

It is possible that Stone in his day also felt insecure, but did not appear that this is the case in this second existence that is alive. Ni asomo finge creates the mantra that “physics does not import”. «It’s a memez; geen hooi una mentira más gorda -dice carcajeándose-. And dicho sea de paso: te das especial cuenta de lo importante que es el physique quand empieza a venirse abajo ». Reason for following a rigorous physical ownership diary program. “Hago 30 sentadillas a day and levant a ball of plos of thirty kilos mean the TV, because these days can not be in the gym”.
