FIGURE – Diez quotes unmistakable quotes from Leonardo Da Vinci, who died 569 years ago

This 15th of April marks the completion of 569 years of the birth of the Florentine polymath Leonardo Da Vinci. Probably it the person with the mayor number of talents in multiple disciplines that ever existed.

Leonardo is considered one of the greatest painters of all time. Como engineer and inventor, Leonardo develop ideas very relevant to your time, story like the helicopter, the combat car, the submarine and the car. Many of its projects are likely to be constructed as the Mayor does not realize during this era. He also cultivated Literature, Paleontology, Culture, Music and Urbanism.

In his excellent trayectoria, this genius, symbol of the male of the Renaissance, has innumerable quotes that synthesize his vision of the world. Here is a diez selection:

“Our major countries can be very sabias”.

“The most useful science is that fruit is the most communicable”.

“Alli donde hai más sensibilidad, es más fuerte el martirio”.

“The great men empyzan great works, the men who work the term”.

“Simplicity is maximum sophistication”.

“Aquel que no castiga la maldad, ordena que se haga”.

“The most noble place is the jubilee of understanding”.

“As the iron is oxidized by the failure of use, even inactivity destroys the intellect.”

“Sabiduria is the lifeblood of experience”.

“Painting is muda poetry; poetry paints it”.

“Beauty grows in life, but it is immortal in art”.
