Figueroa Jaramillo about Pierluisi’s message: “He demonstrated more of the same”

The President of the Union of Electricians and Power Industry (Utier), Angel Figueroa Jaramillo, express hoy, mercoles, que el gobernador Pedro Pierluisi Urrutia try again more of the same insurance guarantee during his state of affairs message that will not cancel the LUMA Energy contract.

During a party with the press in the north side of the Capitol, where various syndicated unions will act to demonstrate, the syndicate leader hopes that the situation will abort the contract and the investigations that will take place in the provocative legislature.

LUMA does not increase the operating capacity. “We hope and trust that the movements that follow will change the opinion of the political parties of the PNP (New Progressive Party), which will always insist on supporting a contract that is bad for the people of Puerto Rico,” he said.

During his message, the governor made sure that is open to people, to be necessary, but he confirmed that he had considered canceling.

No obstacle, esta mañana la Chamber of Representatives approves a statement that the contract expires on January 15, 2022 in June of this year.

To be questioned about the allegation of the governor that the employees of the Electricity Authority will be more paid and will meet with benefactors, Figueroa Jaramillo assured that Pierluisi Urrutia would make these insinuations.

“We have seen documents published on social media that show that the worker tends to be less useful to LUMA. The most embarrassing example is that with the child licenses, we have 18 and with LUMA son 12 ”, exemplified.

In addition, the official also stated that the main theme that will cover the May 1 demonstrations will be the outcome of the LUMA contract.
