‘Fifagate’: EU-led El Salvador football manager extends corruption; declares no debt – Diez

El President of the Salvadoran Football Federation, Reynaldo Vásquez, fue extraditado a EUnited States is a firearm to be judged in the FIFA scandal scandal brand, and has been declared guilty of a federal New York.

Vásquez was accused by the justiceswas established in December 2015 to violate the law on organizations influenced by extortion and corruption (RICO for its sails in English), to fight organized crime, as well as various bank fraud and money laundering offenses.

Probe-embargo, fue extradited to the United States only to be judged by the first organized crime crime, Kristin Mace fiscal pointed out in Vásquez’s first hearing before Brooklyn Pamela Chen’s courtesy, the cargo of the mega-scandal of corruption in FIFA.

In the virtual audience, Chen asked Vásquez if he was declared criminal or not. “The accused is not guilty,” said Gary Cutler, Vásquez’s lawyer.

Cutler says he will soon have financial conditions for his client to experience a juicy release.

Pero la fiscal Mace pidió a la jueza que the accusade quede detenido al menas has entones ent porenta en cargo “muy grave” que “conlleva una senentia de hasta 20 años” y porque tiene lazos con un un extrasjero.

La jueza Chen accedeí to pedido to estimate that the accusado “presente un riesgo de fuga “, y fijó la proxima audience for April 7th.

The Judiciary will ensure that Vásquez receives compensation from the television and marketing parties of the Salvadoran selection, and facilitates the participation of the selection in friendly parties.

A little over a year ago, in October 2019, FIFA suspended Vásquez from life in all football league.

In March of 2017 the conductor was condensed into years of imprisonment in El Salvador by other offense: social security contributions of more than 200 employees, by a fixed amount to 400,000 dollars.

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The scandal known as “Fifagate” was unveiled by the United States in May of 2015 when it discovered a tram of sober millionaires paid by sports marketing executives of the American football team in the broadcast of television broadcasts on television broadcasts Copa Libertadores.

In the case of the case, which provoked the chain of the jefe of the organism, Joseph Blatter, ethe gobierno estadounidense has accused some 45 people and various sports empresses of more than 90 delitos and pay or accept more than 200 million dollars andn sobornos.

From the search of 45 accusados, cinco han falecido. No total of the 26’s declarable culprits, and of them at least six have been sent off.

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Tres se Declare unknowns and make a historic trial in New York fines 2017: el exjefe del brasileño J Brazilosé Marin y the president of Paraguayan football and the Conmebol Juan Angel Napout fueron hallados culpables y encarcelados, mientras el exjefe del futbol peruano Manuel Burga fue absuelto.

A decade has passed in its lands, where lawsuits have been filed by the local court or are being released while combating the extradition.
