Fiesta en el Cauca: Indigenous people say that their medicine works and therefore it does not need tapabocas

Minga indigenous of the accident is forwarding from the capital to support the national parish.  Photo: Infobae / Luis Velandia.
Minga indigenous of the accident is forwarding from the capital to support the national parish. Photo: Infobae / Luis Velandia.

On social media, a video is being shared showing a group of people in what appears to be a celebratory celebration in the green of Santiago, Guambia, in Silvia, Cauca. The audiovisual will be broadcast in Colombia in the second round of contagions by covid-19. It appears that the members of the Gambian Indigenous Warriors’ series, who are involved in holding the position of their authorities, will be judged by the video, and no biosecurity measures will be taken: without tapabocas or much less social distance, with the exception of a few people.

For his part, the mayor of the Cauca Regional Indigenous Council (CRIC), Hermes Pete, told W Radio that the traditional medicine that manejan in the ward worked to counteract the covid-19 and that for this reason no one of biosecurity measures such as tapabocas or social distance. “It is always tempting to say that we are brutal or the sea, but these people are brutal, the people demonstrated in Gobierno, with their own medicine, have been killed many times in indigenous communities in the Cauca,” he said in a statement.

For his part, Mercedes Tunubalá, Silvia’s Alcaldesa, expressed that in this publication he registered 250 positive cases of coronavirus, 10 deaths and 13 active cases at the moment. It is embarrassing, however, that it is still adapting to anything to protect it from citizenship.

The communes the afirmaron W Radio that with this medicine he contained because in his territories the contagios and decesos his best. For his part, the Secretary of State of the Cauca Department, Luis Angulo, stated that he would meet with the competent authorities to evaluate these cases.

The secretariat of Salud municipale uitdrukking that the occupancy figures of the UCI beds in the department are 65 per cent, by that decree alert alert. This media was submitted by the Cauca Commercial Chamber of Commerce and said in a dialogue with the Gobierno Secretariat and the Association of Bars and Restaurants, proposing the sectorial framework for the most affected municipalities. Ana Fernanda Muñoz, executive director of the RCN Radio entity, said that companies can be held accountable for this type of decision to hold information with anterior and not lose products.

For its part, the capital of Cauca, Popayán, decrees that the four days, Saturday, Sunday and Monday festival govern the toque de queda nocturno between 19:00 and 5:00 am In this city the capacity of the UCI hospital beds San José is in 86th place.

En Argelia, Cauca impidieron opero militar

Colombian National Ejército denunció que Alrededor of 400 people living in Argelia, in the Cauca, impidieron to execute a military operation as tenia as objective to have control in dicha region of the country.

Mientras tropas de la Fuerza de Despliegue Rápido N. ° 4 adelantaban labores de control territorial de arrea, and responds to the temperate alarms emitted by the Pensblo Defensoría, en la vereda La Hacienda, del corrregimiento de El Plateado, municipio de Argelia, Cauca , 400 employees of the impedier sector the failure of the military operation, as announced by Ejército, in agreement with information provided by Revista Semana.

According to the same medium, the inhabitants of this zone of land that are involved in the hechos, “have a instrumentalized side”, by members of the Residential Organized Group (GAO-r) Carlos Patiño, and the GAO of the National Liberation Party (ELN) José María Becerra, with the aim of incentivizing the response to military operations which is realized in this department of the country.

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