Fidel Castro, the last Catholic king | Babelia

El papa Francisco, with Fidel Castro, in La Habana in 2015.
El papa Francisco, with Fidel Castro, in La Habana in 2015.Domenico Stinellis / AP

The Francisco Francisco, in his visit to the leader of the Cuban revolution, Fidel Castro, the obsequió a book and discos with the sermons and reflections of Armando Llorente, is a Spanish tutor tutor of the college in what form Castro. The same thing that happened during the Revolution of Miami in 1961 led to the death of Castro. The Pope Austen Ivereigh’s biographer is enthusiastic: the regalia were made to allow Fidel to be reconciled with his death. By no means do I want to convey that I recommend for the mother to be inactive, and that he should not marry a Marxist, and that he should adapt to Marxism and Leninism. This thesis is developed by the Italian historian Loris Zanatta in his book Fidel Castro, the last Catholic king (Edhasa), to appear in Spain. It is a powerful example of the use of the words of the religion and the morality of the victim to win the sky, synthesized in one of the most repeated phrases by Fidel Castro: “Have you reprimanded the man for salvarlo”.

The idea enthusiastic about the sacred and poetic Nicaraguan Ernesto Cardenal and the Brazilian dominee Frei Betto, the friend and biographer of Castro, who lived in the suffering of the Cuban revolution and a crucifixion by Christianity: has the official iconography that showcases palomitas on top of his body, but appears on the heels of the saints of the Catholic stamp that a commander who preached the violinist redentora. In the copious and rigorous essay, the historian dismantles the most powerful ideological myth between the Latin American Izquierda and demonstrates in Fidel Castro the Hispanic rise of Catholic nationalist tradition, the crucifixion with the liberalism and liberalism of liberalism siglo XXI. The politics impregnated by religion and the religious sentiment of the popular sectors converted into ideological sovereignty over which caudal hiccup regimes of liberal democracy are mounting, in addition to the Latin American autocratic tradition.

Author of various books on what most have studied and known, the Catholicism and Catholicism, religion and popular belief as the ideological support of the political caudils, Zanatta still has a biographical biography of one of the most incomprehensible figures he has dedicated years of study. A ventaja, if it is thought that the prime matter of the historian are the sources and in the case of Fidel Castro and the Cuban revolution, these are entire libraries. Without embarrassment, the most important things are missing, the Cubans are locked up and can not be seen by investigators who refute the myth.

Sin subyugarse with the charisma of the character, “the first historian of himself”, about the novelty anticipated in the title Loris Zanatta explains that he should not be surprised that “the communist monarch of sail XX sea heredero the ideal of the monarchs of the past: creation in an island that has been running Spain during the voyages, in a familiar and Spanish and Catholic social atmosphere ”, educated by sacred figures in the principles of the communitarianism of the Jesuit missions. A legacy that impregnates the moral universe, the salvation of the common people by the ideological evangelization and the creation of the “new man” by action and revolutionary discipline, the society without classes of communism and the reasoning of the people elected by the Messiah- lead salvador. The analogies between the Christian caste and the Christian colonies of the colony surgen of a minute and attractive corridor corrected by the life of Fidel Castro and the Cuban society, guarantor party of orthodoxy and the union of the fe. And sober, ello, el Rey, Castro, invested the temporal and spiritual powers ”. In this historical journey, Zanatta encounters that his comrades have many Latin Catholics who, like Castro, despise the values ​​and democratic practices of Anglo-liberalism and that the leaders of the Cuban revolution impute the “moral fractures of the world” and that they populism in the region. Its cultural dimension perpetuates the importance of the book at a time when Cuba is exporting its fractured socialist model and the continent is updating the debate on democracy, organized by the autocracies and electoral populations.

It was taken in a huge assay that would escalate as much as the cast devotees of Castro, through the Spanish and Catholic heresy associated with the Marxist-Leninist icon, as well as the anticastrists who fought in communism, who would marry him as a Catholic monarch. Without embarrassment, his reading disapproves of all aspects of his studies that are always in line with the rational compensation for violent crime by the emotional power of ideological autoengineering, despotism, sexual morality, the glorification of the poor by the purity of alms revolution, the despair of the democracies and their support for the armed guerrillas of the continent.

A disturbing book for those who have lived two years in the settlements and chambers of the Cuban Revolution. Through the resurrection of the exiles, the deaths and the debilitating debilitations take away the value of living in what the despicable revolutions, the liberal democracy, and the high miracles we perpetrated on the new generations of educated in freedom that rewrite history human rights in Venezuela and glorified the armed guerrillas supported by the Castro regime, like Zanatta’s master, only with “hechos” and with Fidel’s famous words.

Norma Morandini is an Argentine periodical and writer. Fue deputada y senadora Independiente.
