Fernando Tatis Jr. protagonist dramatically trapped in the LIDOM

El campocorto de los Padres, Fernando Tatis Jr.. is this lucid in the LIDOM with its glove, this time, as the other side of the field in search of a lift but completed the play.

Mediante el juego de los Leones del Escogido vs las Estrellas Orientales, Tatis Jr.. if with a lift in the foul zone of Luis Renfugio, who has no slight reaction to the fact that the saccharon out in the foul zone.

The most impressive of these is that Fernando Tatis Jr. catch the lift and move company to the other side of the road and avoid a lesion.

Here we can see as a receptor of the Estrellas on the podium create that Fernando Tatis Jr. había hecho la play. The Dominican offensive line has no side effects, no embarrassment, and its defense has suffered an impact.

Here is the video:
