Fernando Landeros to announce that he will once again fight a battle against cancer

From the hospital, Fernando Landeros, President of the Teleton Foundation, has announced plans to share his Instagram account with the newcomer to cancer. We will record that, in the year 2014, Chobi, as the caretaker dean, has released a battle against this disease; on that occasion, the philanthropist shared an image, from his first surgery, which accompanied the message: “Vida me dio un hermoso regalo a fin de ano: un cancer. I am operating thanks to Dr. Broc y al Dr. Castro y hoy estoy sano y más vivo q nunca ”. It was late, as we were watching the first episode of this episode, Landeros revealed that he had regressed to his system and that he was in the middle of a new episode.


Fernando LanderosVER GALLERY

With the optimism that has always shown the adversity, Fernando Landeros used his Instagram account to share with his followers the message: “Pues sí, regress the cancer to my body. Agradecido con Dios porque lo diagnosaron por esas ‘diosidencias’ de la vida. Thanks to the doctors, the surgery is very good and stay in recovery. Difficult to describe how life is painted in white and black. Se pone en pausa. All disappoints, salvo the satisfied satisfaction of life. Agradezco’s life because I’m allowed to feel first person that many of our nines of the Telephone sinten. So, get better and laugh at them with more love every day. Agradecido ”, written.

Fernando Landeros reveals that he is lying against the cancerVER GALLERY

In the image that eligates to accompany this message, Chobi appears, from the hospital bedside, to the operation room that was flown sometime. This post provokes the reaction of various friends of the President of the Teleton Foundation, as Galilea Montijo who wrote it: “Eres grande mi Chobi. We want to ”. Who also reacted fue Andrea Legarreta: “Bendiciones Chobi. Dios contigo ”, is located in the comment area. On the other hand, Memo del Bosque, whoever wanted to start a battle against cancer, sent his best wishes to his friends: “Animo Chobi con mucha fe, amor y mano de Dios”.

The love of his family, his best medicine

The first encounter of Chobi Landeros with the cancer survivor was just a couple of years later when he found the love of his life, Paola Albarran, with whom he was born in October 2012, in a funeral home made in Acapulco. “For me, love is sent home. Sentirme amado, a salvo ”, our Landeros confession, exclusively for HOLA! Tras darse el “sí quiero”, la pareja enfrentó la enfermedad de él, con valía y mucho cariño, dos elementen que, durante su batalla por recobrar la salud, se convirtieron en el mejor antidoto par su su mal: “Thanks to all for their messages. El amor es, sin duda, la mejor medicina. # reflexcáncer ”, written in a publication on Paola’s barn, in this era.

Fernando Landeros and Paola AlbarránVER GALLERY

Follow account in an interview for HELLO! Tv, in May 2014, the detection of the incident coincided with the opening of a Telephone Center dedicated to people who, like him, had a lie with this message: “10 days before inaugurating our 1st cancer hospital, I found a cancer in me. Hoy estoy más vivo q nunca ”, comment on which ones. In addition to his paper as President of the Teleton Foundation, at home, Fernando is the father of three beautiful women, the trillions, Pablo, Fernando y Natalia quienes, in July next celebrates his fifty years of life.
