Fernando Colunga is one of the protagonists of Malverde, El Santo Patrón

Through social speeches circulating that Fernando Colunga quedó fuera de ‘Malverde, El Santo Patrón‘, a series that protagonizes in Telemundo. As all history exists for the lesser of versions, and a surprising design.

History does not officially state that the day of ayer, with his dressing room in his camerino because it was the day of the beginning of grabs in Mexico, and all the world with his studied characters, the protagonist habría renounced to production.

This very version, the official one, states that the actor was having a plastic week with the executives of the television dicha to deal with, but Colunga in Habria was comfortable with many things about his character, the production in general and of history.

There is no series.

La official version by Telemundo, confirming that Fernando Colunga is not part of ‘Malverde, El Santo Patrón’, and that decision fue de la cadena televisiva porque a fin de ano veremos al histrión en otros proyectos.

“Telemundo has made a creative decision to work with Fernando Colunga in other future projects, which will not form part of ‘Malverde”s. We are amazed that Fernando is part of the Telemundo family, and we are developing new ones projects in conjunction with the finals of this year ”, Telemundo responds via mail to the diary ‘La Opinión’.

Fernando Colunga was abducted.

As for the future of the esperada series: ” Malverde ‘is one of Telemundo’s largest productions, and we’m sorry to trace this great history to the Hispanos in EEUU. elenco completo de esta superproduktion originals ”, concluded the chain.

And about the actor who will be substitute de Fernando en dicha historia, hasta ahorita sólo se sabe que es igual o mas famoso que Colunga, y que su fuerte es montar muy bien a caballo.

Fernando has not declared anything.
