Fernando Allende looks at the gray infantile with the cortometry “La pequeña torá tatuada”

Fernando Allende’s artistic career has taken him through the years to an adult majority, but now he has the opportunity to get to know his child among the gray infantry like the animated short film “La pequeña torá tatuada”, produced by the Fund Shoah of North American filmmaker Steven Spielberg.

The 21-minute audiovisual story is based on the infantile book with the same title written by Marvell Ginsburg and addresses the historical theme of the Holocaust in accessible form to nine readers. The sonorous band corresponds to the Symphony Orchestra and the Moscow Choir.

“Being in contact with the poor people, with the nines, with the nines, is important, because here is where the semilina is. What is said in our fertile, young minds, is that which is certainly produced, as for me there is an organ participating in this project that is specially dedicated to these young men, because we feel that in them they are really the future ”, excuse me.

As for history, it is said that “if we succeed decades later, we will embarrass the message that we are dealing with, that this historical tragedy will not happen again. In our planet, there are nowhere to be seen situations that are created and created that have to be created with the knowledge of this moment so that no one wants to succeed and it is suicidal, that it is, because there are its injunctions that it does not understand ”.

“It’s immediately said that the podium will meet, and this is a very nice job”, said Allende from Puerto Rico, where he resides. “Tanto Spielberg as the organization Shoah and the people in Aspen who established producing the project from an initiative we have the possibility of driving free of charge to any person who excises it, is so that the production is in English and in Spanish” , detail.

The cortometer will be available to the public from the second week of February, when it will be entered or not between the productions nominated for the next edition of the Oscars. According to the narrator, the project passes the pre-selection stage.

“We have a lot of hope because we will receive this attention from the Academy of Arts and Sciences. The Hollywood Cinematographs will be the most popular, more courageous, more broadcast on this project that will be free for all people.

In addition to the promotion of this cortometry, Allende takes active part in social speeches to amplify his group of followers, in addition to developing a musical project that hopes to take the time to launch and launch popular theme themes in the country genres are lifted to the bolero together with mariachis.
