Fernández Noroña volunteered to call Vicente Fox “Cabeza Hueca” and made sure she knew the song

(Photo: Cuartoscuro)
(Photo: Cuartoscuro)

El Political and Deputies of the Labor Party (PT), Gerardo Fernández Noroña, called cabeza hueca to ex president of Mexico, Vicente Fox, after demonstrating in opposition to the congressional hearing on the allegations against Morena’s party members.

“Why did we convene a MORENA mayoral congress? Because if MORENA proposes something good for Mexico, PROCEDURE. If you propose anything then DESCARTA. TODAS LAS VOCES SERÁN ESCUCHADAS. This is the best for all. This is Democracy. Mexico needs us all! Va x Mexico. ”, Fox wrote on his Twitter account.

“Ay cabeza hueca @vicenteFox que a estatas de la vida no te cree ni Madtita”, reply Noroña a Fox desde su perfil y haciendo referencia a Martha Sahagún, la esposa del ex presidente.

Tuit de Noroña on Twitter (Twitter Noroña)
Tuit de Noroña on Twitter (Twitter Noroña)

Vicente Fox has not commented on this or shared anything more about the topic.

This all surpasses one day after the cybernetic protests, demanding that the candidate for governor of the state of Guerrero, Salgado Macedonio, not be elected to take part in the June elections.

The protests begin after President Andrés Manuel López Obrador who has been self-qualified as a “feminist” – responds to the moraine to ensure that the denunciations and testimonies of the victims, leave an electoral ink.

“I’m not open, I’m at my point of view, I’ve said that his times of elections and he has accusations of all kinds, I’m not afraid to point out in this case that decision, if they are questioned and the people say they are in agreement with that company, with that company, I think they have to respect ”, dijo en rueda de prensa matutina.

AMLO Y Vicente Fox (Photo: Cuartoscuro)
AMLO Y Vicente Fox (Photo: Cuartoscuro)

Without embarrassment, this is not the first time Fernandez Noroña has called Vicente Fox.

In December 2020 during an open discussion on the Camera of the Deputies of the Palace of San Lázaro, Gerardo Fernández Noroña strongly criticized the Coalition promoted by Si mexico between the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), National Action Party (PAN) and Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD).

“Vienen here recording when eran de izquierda, but are allied with the PRI and the PAN for the next electoral process. “It’s the pillar of desvergüenza, it’s copying the cynicism of PRIAN,” said the politician.

Noroña represented by the Labor Party (Photo: Cuartoscuro)
Noroña represented by the Labor Party (Photo: Cuartoscuro)

Guadalupe Almaguer’s deputy deputies Pardon the answer that it is a contradiction that the federal legislature has the people of a luxury car.

Although the discussion is closed at the end of the session, Vicente Fox sums up the criticisms against the legislator and on social media, published by the Secretary of the Energy Commission must demonstrate that the car not owned by the Institute for Devolving the People in Robado (Indep)

“Fernández Noroña: the rabies that binds a Volvo of more than a million pounds. We do not have any ‘rabies’ if we are demonstrating that there is no institute for the robbery, “he wrote in his official Twitter account.

Discussion on Twitter between Fox and Noroña (PHOTO: MOISÉS PABLO /CUARTOSCURO.COM)
Discussion on Twitter between Fox and Noroña (PHOTO: MOISÉS PABLO /CUARTOSCURO.COM)

Ate the critic, the sympathizer of the 4T the dijo cabeza hueca to the ex mandatario and make sure that the procedure of the vehicle is happy.

“Pues demonstrates that vien de ahí. I’m not connected to demonstrate anything, but it’s its origin. Ni siquiera es mío, pero lo sera, cabeza hueca ”, replied the deputy


For “brutal injustice”, Fernández Noroña demanded a public disclosure of INE and the TEPJF

“My bad luck is not bodega”, said Fernández Noroña while speaking to the opposition “carroñeros”

Fernández Noroña, incapacitated for election, did not appear to be “immediately” disputed

“Deleznable”: Fernández Noroña defends herself on Twitter via a fake message
