Ferdinando Valencia we open our hearts and we revel in the loss of his baby

Ferdinando Valencia, 38 years old, is an actor who since 2006 has not had time to do telenovela tras telenovela, time in which he has known the fama, the cual at some point the hizo perder el piso; but also has known the pain, then in the months of the birth of his melisos, one of those failure has led to complications of meningitis.

We work with the actor and our account came from the fact that the act of giving a giro to his life, and about the lessons that he gave his daughters: Sofía, de 17, Tadeo, de casi 2, y Dante (qepd):

-Ferdinando, how was your childhood?

Happy birthday; created in a space that is very rare, donde salías en calzones a correr por todo el pueblo y toda la gente sabía de ti. Nací en Comala, en Colima, un pueblo vegetation rod and three rivers; all the time he was with my friends in the river, we went to the camp collecting fruit or donating fish ”.

ferdinando valencia tvnotas

-What are our accounts of your fathers and hermens?

“My father is an agronomic engineer and is dedicated to the camp, my mother was a housewife, and only we are German mayor, Emma, ​​I’m still alive, y yo ”.

-¿Cómo fuiste en tu juventud?

“Very rare; if I propose, gevestig en el cuadro de eer y era abanderado de la escolta, but next year I was dedicated to flying with life. Fui muy rebelde, me dejaban hacer lo que me pegaba la gana, siempre y cuando ne danar a nadie, estudiara y practicara deportes ”.

ferdinando valencia tvnotas

-¿Fuiste deportista?

‘Claro, my escuela me becaba y fui selected state in athletics, to compete at the national level; in addition to playing football at a professional level … I really like my life in these entones ”.

-¿Fuiste noviero?

“Fui muy noviero, lo traía en la sangre, but it always lasts a lot in my relationships, and with one of them to the point that it is Sofia, I am mayor ”.

-¿Fuiste papa muy joven?

Sí, Sofía nació en 2003, ya tiene 17, empecé muy chavito (ríe), con ella se empataron los tiempos; terminated the career of Ingeniero Zootecnista Administrador and had the difficult decision to continue working on the camp or to join the city and enter into action ”.

ferdinando valencia tvnotas

-¿Es verdad que trabajaste ordeñando ganado?

‘Sí, I have many services for the search ranchos acan pueblo, sanitary, genetic, nutritional, reproductive, environmental work; I also dedicate myself to the sale of beers and the service has a cartridge to guarantee my daily diary ”.

-¿ Prisoners are actor or accident?

‘Sí y, de hecho, conditioned and by obligation. Entered the action by my employer, some live in me and took me to CEA. In principle I did not like the idea, but when he told me that I did not pay the price, he accepted. I was very tempted to load carts and had them designed, I was not interested, but I was very confident that I would show them the authentic way I opened the doors ”.

-Desputed what sucedió?

“I wish I could say that I passed a prime filter, there was my curiosity about what the wife called the attention, then she was not an attractive lucid for her possibilities; intestine, for this and my economy, decide to take advantage of the opportunity de conocer algo completely ajeno a mi vida ”.

-¿Tu familia te apoyó?

“My father never told me, but he never did he likes to go to his house because he has nothing to do with camp; after teaching that I did not lose my costumes, that I love indigenous traditions and culture ”.

ferdinando valencia tvnotas

-Ahí empiezas en la actuación?

‘Sí, y I love the career and the things I love; me from the fact that podium empezar to send emotions or provocateurs ”.

-¿Cómo fueron tus inicios?

The first five or six short stories will follow, geen descansé ni una semana; with that logre empezar to invert on the camp, iba a my people to buy ganado flaco and daba work to the people who supervise the war and ganado ”.

-¿Co come to change the matrimony?

“I did not stay in contravention of matrimony, but it is agreed that priority is love. I would like to say: ‘Solo quiero estar contigo, no me importan cuáles sean las conditions’, asi llevamos más aosos los los que han durado muchos como matrimonio, y estoy muy feliz ”.

-Nacen tus bebés y tras unos meses, muere Dante, ¿cómo has sobrellevado esta pérdida?

‘Lo extraño muchísimo, y cuando me llega el dolor, dejo que me affecte, que me toque, y esto me ayuda a sanarme ”.

ferdinando valencia tvnotas

-Han he thought of the possibility of being new parents?

“I understand that. Inside I have a force that tells me: ‘Quiero más, soy muy niñero’; but I also have a lot of money to do to be a dad, and he has to be reasonable, I don’t want to take any risks with him because I think we are in COVID-19 era. Pero quiz a day of being the surprises demos”.

-How much more to taste?

‘Tal vez one more”.

-En April, Tadeo cumple 2 years …

“Kyk hy disfrutado mucho, cada día, cada palabra, cómo me chantajea, cómo me enamora; is a fan, if there is much to ask, I feel obligated for tenerlo a mi lado “.

-¿Es verdad que Tadeo percibe elma de su hermano?

“Created in science and in having a space for God; probe ban, hay is inexplicable. One night, Tadeo is levanto in the madrugada, the escuchamos correc in the habitat, risa y risa; empecé a grabarlo porque él veía algo y corría, and when watching the video, observed small particles that iban al mismo lie and where he corrected. The next conversation I had with a friend who is alive and well: ‘Anoche fue tu niño a visitarte‘”.

-¿Create Dante?

From now on you can create, being a man of science, but in times of rarity that appears, enriches much spiritually and I like to think that I was dead because it is alive in us, in our loved ones, in our spirit and in our day ”.

ferdinando valencia tvnotas

-How is the relationship with your wife Sofia?

“As for my professional crime, it’s the crime of my marriage, for which do not study with her all that hubiera querido; but she showed me that she’s a human marvelous person, me llena de orgullo y my ha hecho más facilit este process de ser papá”. ‘

-What did you learn from him?

‘Que can be happy with the simplest things, how to be with women in love ”, finalized.
