Fercasy Aesthetic Medicine: Business Presentation and Treatment Distinctions

Fercasy, the aesthetic and biomedical medicine clinic in Madrid, offers the necessary aesthetic treatments for correct the imperfections and the marks que los años van dejando a su paso. The clinic offers the most up-to-date treatments and accounts with the best professionals in the field of aesthetic medicine in Madrid. The experts carry out an evaluative consultation and, from this moment on, detect the treatment needed for each patient, as they have been in a related situation.

All treatments available in Fercasy

The Madrid Aesthetic Medicine Clinic offers many treatment options. Each is oriented to a specific part of the body, with the finalization of correcting one of the less attractive zones.

Lab treatment

If the objective deseado is tener los more voluminous labs and with mayor hydration, the treatment that employs hyaluronic acid to fill the labs and increase volume is ideal.

Treat yourself to a treat total outpatient clinic, at the disposal of an injection with an aguja the sufficient delgada to log mayor precision in the zone where it is working.

The labyrinth perfusion treatment has an approximate duration of eight months, while the procedure for increasing volume in the labs is to increase the number of months and months.

Facial harmonization

The facial harmonization treatment is oriented to transform different characteristics of the rostrum (pómulos, arco mandibular) to log a better symmetry of the grid.

The main mission is to log rejuvenate a little skin and intend to correct the loss of elasticity, volume and weight.

The durability of treatment varies depending on the patient and the affected areas that need to be corrected. For this, the durability of the treatment can be mayor or minor.

Rejuvenecimiento face

Travels of products based on polypeptides and hyaluronic acid different therapies are available to recover hydration, luminosity and increase the quality of the skin that, with the passage of years, can be affected.

On the other hand, it deals with the treatment of opheffing van gesig 4D. Both treatments are completely personalized and the sessions are designed according to the needs of the patient.


This technique is based on micro injections of hyaluronic acid which contains high density, with the unique finalization of nutrients, hydration and combating the effects of solar radiation and edema.

This is one of the favorite treats in Fercasy and it is recommended to do at least three sessions a year.

Velo de novia

The treatment of the new bike is realized a travers del láser Fotona, the number one in all the advanced aesthetic medicine clinics of Spain. By means of a micro dermoabrasion, it eliminates the need to remove the cutaneous cells that are located in the flow rate over time.

Closed, concern a deep exfoliation which generates a natural healing of the skin, to recover the shine, elasticity and nutrients.

Blefaroplasty treatment without surgery

The mission of blepharoplasty treatment without surgery it eliminates the excess of skin, the arrogance of inferior, superior and galloping pathways, through the new laser plasma technology.

The procedure is entirely outpatient, yes it is performed with anesthesia locally. It takes 20 minutes to apply the treatment. It’s perfect for feeling better without the need to pass by chiropractor. In addition, it is allowed to follow the diary routine without inconvenience.
