Feminism: The harassment of Mexican women over the 8-M protest has led to a blinded Palacio Nacional | 8M: Day of the Woman

The demands for justice for the victims of feminism and the respect for the rights of women may have led to the death of the Zocal of Mexico City. In the face of the pandemic, miles of women have marched to the main square of the country to claim a height to gender violence. The demonstrations by the International Day of the Woman in Mexico held this occasion a main recipient for his message: President Andrés Manuel López Obrador. The groups of women he had interpolated with the mandate that he had met with the demands of the middle of the population of the country. ‘Ya chole [ya basta] with impunity. We are in the ballot box ”, he wrote the protesters as an advertisement for the President, in blank letters in the Mayor Square of Latin America.

However, the image of the March 2020 multidimensional protest, debilitating the coronavirus pandemic, has blinded the Mexican City Council blindly to the four decades passed by monuments and edifices to prevent the women from lining the parishes with demanding pints. Also near the former Palacio Nacional, seat of the Executive and the presidential residence, generating an indemnity between feminist groups and families of victims of feminism. During the sabbath and domino these groups will give a go at the governmental narrative and convert the police wall into a memorial great for the victims of feminism. The search was unsuccessful, decades of intentions to destroy the wall during more than three hours and to approach the police, which suppresses the supply of liquefied gases.

Various groups of women will be quoted shortly after the mediation in the explanation of the Monument to the Revolution. The circus that houses the Gobierno capitalino alrededor del obelisco also had intervened with pints and the number of black men accused of violence. The color violet of the jacarandas that bloom in March in the capital marks the route of the march of the women, who also had some algae taken from the mascarillas of this color.

Lejos from the point of departure of the demonstration, a group of 30 protesters encased with dismantled furs carried out by the scouts of various police officers. The protesters who intend to lie to the point of encounter for the march, pidieron that the dejaran salir a gritos and with megaphones. Police, firefighters and firefighters are forming a wall with the most vulnerable escorts in the area. Other women have launched plastic bottles and demanded that there be no violence against protesters.

Elements of the Secretarial of Securities and the Banking and Industrial Police bordering the route of the march. Varies of policies eran mujeres and receive the grit of “traidars” from the protesters. A more adorable little, near Alameda Central Park, a guarded squadron in perfect rectangular formation, military case.

Feminism, sexual harassment and the candidacy of Felix Salgado Macedonia have made the main advertising of women this year. Nancy Rodríguez, 33, has been taking part in the feminist march since she first announced her impeachment. “Never miss the type that you want or the things you want to call”, dijo. The decision to protest was also due to the impact of the disappearance and death of a work partner who was 17 years old. Chantal, 19 years old, listened to the protest because he abused the abusive children. He hides from the woman that he will pay for the achievement when he is ten years old. “Me miedo contarle a mi madre, no sé qué pasaría con ella si se enterara”. Chantal went to the market to advertise Gobierno has promised security and no haberdashery. “Nos ha dejado solas”, dice.

In one of the squares of the central square, on the 5th of May, the stage of the manifestation was evident. Ni un cristal sin romper, ni una pared sin pintura morada o verde. Within the Hilton hotel, the metallic valley to protect the edifice is being converted into a war zone. The protesters intend to throw down a ball of martillos and potatoes. A group of women remarry against all the metallic waste of the banquets. Ate the high walled metal protectors of the most emblematic editions, a small business intended to defend itself with a paper cartel that robbed: “For the sake, this can be a woman of 80 years. Respetelo ”. Tampoco was saved.

Going to the central square, the high wall that houses the National Palace is vulnerable. A group of women consenting to part of the valley and the police response with lacrimogenic gas for dispersal. Zócalo’s Plaza is being converted into a murderous and white city. Who will consecrate to the wall of President López Obrador the golpearon one and another time. “There is no appeal. We are going to shoot ”, cantaron al unisono.

Instead of responding to the gas that the police launched, the women covered themselves and dispersed the new acid. Lanzaron plastic bottles to the agents and they respond to the bottles. Demonstrating vehicles are recommended to the agents of their plastic shelters to protect the gas. A total of 81 people resulted and the protests of the estes, 62 policemen and 19 civilians, notified the capital.

Minutes later, the protesters were caught up in the presence of various elements of security in the tech of Palacio Nacional. While on the contrary, protesters oppose the use of the police’s lacrimogenic gases, specular women are being treated by franchisees. What sustains these elements are their frequency inhibitors rifles to avoid the flight of drones, según indicates the vocation of the presidency, Jesús Ramírez Cuevas.

The sanitary contingency provoked that the protest also had a creative touch. During the transmission of the press conference of López Obrador, comments jw.org en YouTube en Facebook, al die presidente que rompa el pacto patriarcal. “El Gobierno no me cuida” or “justice for all” would make some of the messages accompanied by purple and yellow emojis emojis. Other feminist collectibles call virtual demonstrations through audio, such as the Collective Conversation with Pancakes, such as Lado B.

Lejos del ciudad de México, otras calles también fueron intervenid este lunes. Feminist groups cambiaron the number of some of the principals via the city, like Álvaro Obregón, artery of the colony Rome, cuyos carteles fueron tapados con the number of Mary of Jesus Patricio, the indigenous conductor known as Marichuy.

The numbers of gender violations in Mexico dejan escalofriantes numbers. From 2017 to 2020, feminist incidents in the incremental country will take place until 10.5, following dates from the High Commission of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights. Of the 46.5 million women living in the country, at least 66% have experienced violence at some point in their lives, according to the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (Inegi). The act of discrimination against the feminist movements that led López Obrador resulted in a generalized indignation. 62% of Mexicans consider the President’s action to be taken by the women’s demands is not adequate, following a question from Simo (Intelligence and Publicity Systems) by EL PAÍS.

The sanitary crisis derived from the coronavirus pandemic has aggravated the violence against women. According to the Mexican National Refugee Council, aid workers will be increased by 39% by 2020, as more people have announced the launch of the confinement.

The manifestations of this year take place in the middle of the beginning of the largest election campaign in the history of Mexico. Félix Salgado Macedon’s Guerrano de Guerrero’s candidacy for López Obrador, accused of violating and accusing him of sexual abuse, has opened a gap between him and the party The president’s supporters, who said they had made typical accusations of electoral processes, had spared the fury of the feminist movement that “advertises the patriarchal pact”. The intervention of the feminist groups of the wall of Palacio Nacional extends the night of domingo with a projection in the parades in which it is led: “A violator will not be governor”, “Mexico feminicida” and “Legal abortion ya”.

