female conceive second baby standing embarrassed

(CNN) – In principle Noah was alone, crying well in the future of his mother.

Noah’s first images were captured on ultrasound between the 7th and 10th weeks of the embarrassment, and showed Rebecca Roberts 39 years old and Rhys Weaver 43 years old, the baby he intended to conceive for one more year.

Luego, in the three months of embarrassment, Noah has two companies.

An ecography that took place this week 12 shows that Noah had an inexperienced German peony, his brother-in-law, Rosalie.

“When embarrassed when he was embarrassed, he was a locomotive … because he was so unsuccessful,” said Rebecca.

The little Noah and Rosalie

Rosalie unites with his brother Broederlike Noah three weeks after the conception of his son.

If the llama superfetion when conceiving a second baby is embarrassed and there is a condition that is rare that a study conducted in 2008 found that there are less than 10 cases registered in the whole world.

The doctors say on Tuesday that the babies will be treated with three weeks of difference, said Rebecca.

“It’s hard to believe that the baby is growing up to a constant rhythm of three weeks less than the first, and there are times when I’ve been created to have an embarrassment,” he said.

“It could not be that I was moved,” Rebecca said with a sigh. ‘Pero pasó, es encantador. It’s how to win the lottery ”.

The father felt the same way: “I am happy to have a hijo, but I have more for my friends. The work is a piece of cake! And the Rebecca liege investigated a small and our dim account of the uniqueness and abomination that we smoke ”.

An incredibly rare event

The superfetacies are rare due to a variety of reasons, according to gynecologist Dra. Lillian Schapiro Basada in Atlanta, Georgia.

First, the females generally ovulate only one time per cycle, releasing one or the other ovules simultaneously. If fertilization by the sperm of the male ejaculates, the ovum or ovules are implanted in the uterus, the embarrassment begins and no more ovulation is produced.

La pequeña Rosalie

At the time Rebecca was pregnant and her estranged wife, Rosalie was a “medical marvel”.

“If a woman has her friends”, says Schapiro, “she will release the eggs at the same time. And in the unusual case of the trillions, those ovals are all free in a single ovulation ”. The identical gemelos occur when a single fertilized egg is divided.

In Rebecca’s case, the ovulation was fertilized and implanted during the first ovulation, and “in some ways, the ovulation is new during this cycle,” Schapiro explained. “Another ovule is also fertilized — it converts to another embryo — and both embryos are implanted in the uterus at different times.”

Another reason why the superfetions are exceptional, says Schapiro, is because one time the embarrassment begins, the uterus does not have a hospital bed for the implantation. This means that the second embryo “implants logarithm and creates a stage in which no hesitation is thought to occur”.

“Sometimes we see when the embryos begin to unfold at different times,” Schapiro indicated. “It’s nothing but asombroso”.

Before reaching Noah, Rebecca acababa took a dose of fertility drugs designed to estimate ovulation. If it could be one of the reasons for this rare event, Rebecca said, it would also be simply a “medical marvel”.

«Diminuta, diminuta bebé»

In principle, Rebecca and Rhys are preoccupied with the development of the baby Rosalie inside the uterus, since the preoccupation that is behind her husband is likely to affect his health at night.

“Podría ser de cualquier forma”, dijo Rebecca. “It simply came to our notice then that the baby had a lot of problems, it could be a problem and it could not be avoided. This suele is the case. It’s embarrassing, it’s said that this baby is constantly crying, ”he said. ‘Fue un alivio. Fue un gran alivio ”.

Born in September 2020, both babies need to have a separate period of time from neonatal intensive care units, (UCIN, through its English seals). Rosalie, who was born with a weight of 1.1 kg, was sent to a UCIN specialist 15 minutes away from the UCIN in Noah’s stable, who was born with a weight of 2.09 kg.

“She was a baby diminutive, diminutive that cabia in our men, and even she [Noah] it would be great if it could be a much bigger baby, ”says Rebecca.

‘Fue muy difícil. “We have an important operation and our new babies will also be taken to distant hospitals,” he said. “It is difficult to say that you are moving between the two”.

Noah, Rosalie and her parents

At the moment of birth, Noah was two times older than his little brother.

Noah can regress to the house in three weeks, for the little Rosalie permanence in intensive care during 95 days, in logró regress to the house just before Christmas.

Hoy, with 7 months of marriage, Noah todavía is due to Rosalie, but Rhys commented that “He is a little soldier. It has its own personality, and has no real preoccupation ”.

Noah is able to rotate and “in reality show signs of success, so that the empire will soon be able to have fun”, said Rebecca.

“Ambos is hablando, lo cual es realmente muy dulce porque se hablan entre sí. It’s scary. Se llevan muy bien entre sí, muy muy bien. It will be redeemed ”.
