FEMA asks Pentagon for help in administering COVID-19 vaccines

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has asked the Pentagon to help President Biden’s goal of vaccinating 100 million people against the coronavirus in his first 100 days in office, the Department of Defense (DOD) spokesman said on Thursday said.

‘The Department of Defense has received a request from FEMA for assistance with the administration of COVID-19 vaccine at various locations across the country. The department is evaluating the request and what kind of support it can provide, “Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said in a statement.

Kirby said that, given the importance of the request, “it will be urgently but carefully reviewed” to determine what military assets can be made available to help safely.

‘As [Defense Secretary Lloyd AustinLloyd AustinOvernight Defense: Biden administration pausing UAE, Saudi arms sales | Pentagon making climate change national security priority | VA secretary nominee sails through hearing Pentagon declares climate change a ‘national security issue’ Senate GOP slow walking Biden’s pick to lead DHS MORE] said, DOD is committed to doing as much as possible to assist the entire government’s effort against COVID-19. ”

CNN was the first to report on the discussions between the Pentagon and the Department of Homeland Security, of which FEMA is a part, on how the military can help the agency.

Among the possible solutions is the sending of up to 10,000 forces for active service and national guard to so-called vaccination megahubs.

President Biden has an ambitious goal of vaccinating 1.5 million people a day in the coming weeks, he announced on Monday.

“It’s going to be a logistical challenge that surpasses anything we’ve ever tried in this country, but I think we can do it,” Biden told a news conference.

But the White House tempered expectations with the press secretary Jen PsakiJen PsakiOvernight Health Care: Biden Advisor Provides More Pessimistic Prediction Deployment | CDC says coronavirus could kill up to 514,000 by Feb. 20 Vaccine research funds have been misused for decades, and watchdog says McCaul is urging senators to block Secretary of Commerce voting on Huawei as White House goes full steam ahead over COVID-19 emergency relief talks made it clear on Tuesday that Biden is only optimistic and that he is not setting a concrete goal.

Andy Slavitt, White House adviser COVID-19, said on Wednesday that it would take “months” before all Americans who want a coronavirus vaccine could get one.
