Felipe Arias Salió de la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos – Gente – Cultura

The RCN Channel Magazine Felipe Arias I have always had care for my followers and colleagues when I was hospitalized and had a cardiac problem.

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Afortunadamente, su state of best health and in the last hours of communion that can salir of Intensive Care Unit, donde se encontraba.

“God is giving me a second chance at life. It’s an intense care. Thank you to the excellent group of doctors and to the power of the oracions of each one of you voy advancing. Stay in pie, learning to be Valiente. No me rindo “, posted on Twitter.

(Tal vez le interese: Esposa del periodista Felipe Arias comparte photos de su recuperation).

The ‘percance’ of arias salud

March 11th, Felipe Arias was rushed to the emergency room Colombia Clinic debit and tuvo a cardiac complication. José Manuel Acevedo, the director of RCN Notices, medio para el cual trabaja Arias, fue el cargado de dar la noticia a través de sus sociales.

“We are committing an abortion to our partner Felipe Arias, who has suffered a health condition and is stable and awaited by the best medical team. From RCN Notices “We are sending our letter and the message of recovery to the faithful Felipe”, written by Acevedo.

In the meantime, the state of health has been converted into a national theme. Pero hubo buenas noticias y el pasado 13 de mars su esposa, Viviana Montenegro, compartiog algunas imagenes de su recuperation.

(Además: Felipe Arias, RCN presenter, suffers from ‘health loss’).

(Are we reading about the app? See the publication here).

“Our union has 20 years and we will be together with its help in all the happy moments that we allow to live and in all the difficult moments that we have to overcome”, writes Montenegro.

Additionally, I would like to thank all the people who send positive messages and support for the recovery of their esposo. “The footsteps of the processions that Deben made in the next days”, added.

(Siga leyendo: Kika Nieto is undergoing surgery to extract tendon tumor).

Tendencies EL TIEMPO
