Federal charges against men for import and illegal possession of arms

A large federal court issues a formal charge of five cargoes against a man for illegal importation of fugitive arms, conspiracy to import and possess legally imported fugitive arms, illegal position of ametraladoras, e-commerce notice bond, communicated the chief of the Federal Tax Office, Stephen Muldrow.

Following the formal accusation, between June 2017 and November 2019, the defendant Lucas E. Izagas Figueroa, helping and inciting others, imported into the United States of China with more than 50 devices designed exclusively to convert a semi-automatic weapon. Of the taxable cargo, it is understood that the seller describes in a fraudulent manner the items with numbers such as “Nylon Fiber Mag” and “Hardware Accessories”, when in reality, eran devices of conversion of ammunition with the Glock logo.

De ser declarado punishable, imprisoned up to 20 years in prison.

Deputy Federal Tax Officers Jeanette M. Collazo-Ortiz and Jonathan L. Gottfried, Jefe of the Section for Violent Crimes and National Security, are in charge of litigation.

The Office of Internal Security Security of the Immigration and Control Service of Aduanas is in charge of the investigation.
