Federal appellate court reaffirms Gelpi’s decision to lift ban on gallstones

A panel of the Boston Primer Circuito confirms the determination of the federal district of Gustavo Gelpí to maintain and vigor the prohibition of gallbladders in the Isla, following the section 12616 of the Majority of the Agricultural of 2018 and that the Animal Protection Act of 1966.

The President Donald Trump signed the holiday in 2018, and the ban entered into force on December 20, 2019.

The demand was made sometime by Gallic Club of Puerto Rico and the Cultural and Sports Association of Gallo Fino de Pelea.

The panel of judges is composed of the President of the Boston Circuit, Jeffrey R. Howard, and the judges David J. Barron and Sandra L. Lynch.

In Gelpí’s original determination, it was established that “both the Commercial Clause, the Congress has the authority to grant equal treatment to the states and territories. “The political status of Puerto Rico, nor the Territorial Clause, impedes that the governor of the United States pays in force that applies to all citizens of the nation, if there is no territory,” Gelpí said.

Boston confirms Gelpí sobre peleas de gallos decision by El Nuevo Día on Scribd

According to the appeals panel’s juveniles, the respondents have not demonstrated that any reconcilable interest in freedom has been violated as part of the prohibition.

The galleries levantaron in the judicial plea the argument that the federal prohibition waits against the freedom of expression in the plant that the gallbladder is a manifestation of poor culture.

The petitioners are reconciling in the oral argument that they do not have any recalcitrant freedom in any other way than their argument regarding the First Amendment (of the Constitution of the United States). This admission condemns the argument that hacen. Apart from this admission, the respondents have not shown that these prohibitions have infringed an interest in reconciliation, ”the federal appeals document reads.
