February 9th price

To start operations the price of dollars hoy martes es de hasta 20.70 pesos en bancos. Thus, the interbank exchange rate is set at 20.09 pesos per dollar, with a loss of 0.05 per cent.

Citibanamex sell the dollar at 20.70 pesos, while Banorte y BBVA Mexico lo hacen of 20.35, Santander of 20.08 y Banco Azteca of 19.10 units.

El peso operaba casi sin cambios respecto cierre previo despoots de conocerse que la inflation inflation accelerated more than the year in January, diminishing expectations of a bay in the reference interest rate in the central bank decision this week.

What is the type of change?

Bank basis explained in a report that the Cambiario market showed a generalized debt of the dollar, then the majority of the divisions in Ghana, distancing the South African rand at 0.58 per cent, the Japanese yen at 0.57 per cent and the French franc at 0.5. Debate that advancing divisions of emerging economies and advanced economies, the appreciation of the franc and the yen are not the result of a mayor asking for refuge divisions.

“In the capital markets, the mayor observed cautela, mainly in Europe, giving the main indexes pierden on average around 0.15 per cent. Without embarrassment, they lose their moderation and result in a correction ”, rebuke.

Off United States the futures market points to a possible correction during the session, even though the main indices are setting new historical highs during the session. Hacia adelante is not concerned that capital markets are following their trend towards another, ahead of the expectation of new fiscal estimates in the United States.

Ayer, in the Chamber of Representatives the democrats would have to conquer the borrower of the legislation of opinion that should be approved. It is speculated that the approval of the estimates will take place in March.

As regards relevant issues, in Mexico, the Energy Commission of the Chamber of Deputies will meet on 11 and 12 February with experts and specialists to discuss the reform proposal. Ley de la Industria Eléctrica.

On the other hand, the announced initiative to support migrants to facilitate the entry into dollars for migrants and their families has been published. With this initiative, migrants will be able to open accountable ways of working at Banco de Bienestar, tend to available canyon centers and meet with more support on behalf of the financial institutions in Mexico. The Governor of the Bank of Mexico, Alejandro Díaz de León, indicates that the medium benefits mainly the frontier municipalities and gives us the most effective dollar bill, although it indicates that the central institution will continue to respect the decision.

According to economic indicators, inflation in April was forecast at 3.54 per cent in the inter-annual rate, while closing the year at 3.15 per cent.

During the session, it is hoped that the type of change will be between 20.02 and 20.34 pesos per dollar.

Dollar in real time

El euro sand sold in ventanilla at a maximum of 24.80 pesos and sold at 24.28 pesos. For its part, the esterlina book is offered at 28.05 pesos and is available at 27.69 pesos.

El Bank of Mexico (Banxico) recorded the preview session a change of 20.12 pesos for dollars.

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