February 8th price

To start operations the price of dollars hoy lunes es de hasta 20.38 pesos en bancos. Thus, the type of interbank exchange rate is 20.20 pesos per dollar, with a loss of 0.62 per cent.

Citibanamex sell the dollar at 20.59 pesos, while Banorte lo hace of 20.40, BBVA Mexico of 20.38, Santander of 20.10 y Banco Azteca of 19.20 units.

The peso is depreciated at the beginning of a week in which relevant economic information is provided, as well as the dates of local inflation and the announcement of monetary policy. Bank of Mexico, while the market hopes to gain recognition for a new fiscal support program in United States.

What is the type of change?

Bank basis explained in a report that the peso initiated the session with a depreciation debited to a moderate rate of dollar appreciation that advances to the Majority of the divisions, since the Mexican peso is the second most depreciated by the South African who has pierde 0.51 per cent and the Swedish crown at 0.50 per cent.

‘And United States, Janet Yellen signaled the importance of approving robust fiscal estimates to stimulate economic recovery, particularly labor market recovery. The Secretariat of the Treasury indicates that with adequate support it will be able to recover the full staff in 2022. However, if not for the necessary estimates, the labor market will be delayed until recovery by 2025 ”, details.

Previously, Yellen’s comments raised the likelihood that Biden’s administration would impose an expansionary fiscal policy in the coming months, capital markets starting in the second half.

In relevant cases, the Secretariat of Hacienda informs which part of the fires is reacting the estimate in the cobro del Special Tax on Production and Services (IEPS) de gasoline. It is estimated at 2.79 per cent per gasoline down to 91 octanes, while consumers now pay around 4.9719 pesos per liter, up from 5.1148 pesos.

On the other hand, circulating in the media that the Bank of Mexico, the Secretariat of Health and the Association of the Bank of Mexico will present a proposal to support migrants and their families in addressing the problem of reform in the Law of the Bank of Mexico .

“It is a mechanism for Mexican families to be able to exchange dollars effectively in national territory through the Banco del Bienestar. It is important to note that the proposal to reform the Bank of Mexico Law has generated a mayoral perception of relative risk over the Mexican economy, which is contrary to the autonomy of the Central Bank. In this sense, the proposal of the Supreme Court will be relevant and reduce the probability that Banxico’s autonomy will be violated, ”he said.

Dollar in real time

El euro for sale in Ventanilla for a maximum of 24.75 pesos and for sale at 24.24 pesos. For its part, the book esterlina is offered in 28.20 pesos and is purchased in 27.61 pesos.

El Banco de México (Banxico) recorded the session previewing a change of 20.13 pesos for dollars.

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