February 25th price

To start operations the price of dollars hoy jueves es de hasta 21.22 pesos en bancos. Thus, the type of interbank exchange rate is 20.67 pesos per dollar, with a gain of 1.53 per cent.

Citibanamex sell the dollar at 21.22 pesos per dollar, while BBVA Mexico lo hace of 20.94, Santander of 20.77 y Banco Azteca of 20.51 units.

The person is depressing the person he is dollars cayó a minimum of three years after the president of the Federal Reserve of the United States, Jerome Powell, reiterates that the central bank will not return to its monetary policy until the mayor of the global economy increases.

What is the type of change?

Bank basis explained in a report that the move to the same type of change is associated with external factors and a mayor’s risk aversion to the Mexican economy:

In the first of them, refirió, a contagion effect is observed from the South African rand and the Turkish lira depreciates 2.07 per cent and 1.12 per cent respectively. For a change, the Turkish lira pierde terreno ahead of the speculation that the Central Bank of this country would be pressured to avoid following the interest rate bill because the tax rate was adjusted by a month to 675 base points in the últimos cuatro meses. As long as the South African rand has an mayoral perception of internal risk by doubts that can complement the objectives of its tax evasion presented to these markets, the Fitch Ratings communicating agency that for the South African governor will be a ret.

On the other hand, there is a strong movement of ales in the cash flow statement of Treasury, speculating that the flexible monetary policy instruments of the Federal Reserve could generate pressure on inflation.

Tesoro’s bonus range for 10 years is around 7 base points and is set at around 1.45 per cent, averaging a maximum of 1.46 per cent, level not seen since 21 February 2020.

Final, hold on to a mayor percepción de riesgo sobre México. “It is hoped that the economic recovery of Mexico will slow down the evacuation process that has limited the implementation of policies and changes that inhibit the inversion, will prevent the proposed reform of the Labor Party” .

Asimismo, data published this month by the IGAE in the month of December show an extension of the economic recovery in the month of December due to the effects of the pandemic during the months.

Dollar in real time

El euro to turn in ventanilla at a maximum of 29.38 pesos and sold in 29.37 pesos. For its part, the book esterlina is offered in 28.92 pesos and is purchased in 28.91 pesos.

El Banco de México (Banxico) recorded the session preview a change of 20.47 pesos for dollars.

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