February 16, a year ago that democracy was banned

The marquee rallies will take place at 11:11 a.m. on Monday, February 16, 2020, and as a matter of fact, the entrees of the Central Electoral Union (JCE), Julio César Castaños Guzmán, announced on national television and ante miles of spectators the suspension of the ordinary municipal elections that will have more than four hours of initiations.

In our first-time comics, the automated voting system will be used, which will be used in the 18 municipalities that run the mayor’s election of voters and will be exactly a case in which teams that provoke the first time in Dominican history will be suspended a torneo election, and that democratizes democracy.

In agreement with the statements of Chestnut Guzmán, the suspension is due to the fact that the teams have problems to solve the electronic way ball in its entirety, including problems presented with the list of competitors. These falls are coming from the night of February 15th.

Inmediate the allegations of sabotage and fraud between the officialism and the opposition are not hesitant to hope while the civil union demands in the electoral body an explanation about the wrong, mediating massive protests in the Plaza de la Bandera, just in front of the JCE seat.

The first of the protests takes place the next night and the crowds are all very large and ruined with the passing of the weeks, to which they gather together. From these slides to the failed municipal elections, the Police have confirmed the arrest of two people for their alleged eviction with the problems recorded in the automated voting teams, which aggravated the crisis.

“When anything is for sale you should call and ask to be discarded. When a fall has to be reconciled and forgiven and so it is like hay, I have a fall. I can not defend myself because I was informed that this ballet cargo problem was very difficult and that it was resolved easily, well we know that we were not there “, manifested Castaños Guzmán, who does not like it ‘n renunciar a pesar de los reclamos de la población.

The director of the Police, Ney Aldrin Bautista, informed of the investigation of the coronel Ramón Antonio Guzmán Peralta, the sign of a medical antes of the by-election and los miembros de seguridad del candidato presidensial del PRM, Luis Abinader. Asimismo, the technician of the Claro telephony company, Manuel Antonio Regalado, was allegedly detained for allegedly “having a possible tram ride”.

The OEA investigation

On February 21, the Dominican Governor instructed the Organization of American States (OEA) to investigate the fall into the automated voting system and thereby suspend the Public Ministry investigation. Next week, the JCE and the OEA will establish the bases of agreement that will open the auditorium that conducts the International Organization.

The auditorium, according to the statement in the press release of this day, consisted of 80 members of the automated voting team of the suspended elections.

Of these 80 teams, there are selected equipment units that never present inconveniences, units that present faults and no adjustments, machines that are defective machines, but finally work and work that are part of the response.

The Secretary-General of the OEA, Luis Almagro, indicates at the moment that the main mission of this technical audit is to identify the causes that provoke the fall in the teams that are used in 18 demarcations. In the information, of 45 pages, issued by the OEA on the night of April 14 of this year, the entity determined that the failures in the system were produced due to errors in the techniques of the JCE Directorate of Informatics y is not available for external software.


February 19

The situation provoked the cancellation of the entity’s Director of Informatics of the entity, Miguel Ángel García, who was suspended from the 19th of February earlier and was replaced by Johnny Rivera before the presidential elections on 5 July.

March 15

As a result of the polls, a re-election took place, resulting in deadly victories for the opposition in the March 15 elections, won by the PRM, which won the majority of the Alcaldias, including the Great Santo Domingo complete. , an exception to Santo.
