FCC Internet Subsidy: Millions of Households May Receive $ 50 Monthly Payment

Millions of low-income households and people who have suffered job losses over the past year may soon receive $ 50 monthly subsidies to help pay their Internet bills. The Federal Communications Commission on Thursday approved a $ 3.2 billion plan to help more households access the Internet during the pandemic.

The program will be open to households already participating in a pandemic or low-income program offered by a broadband service, as well as people already enrolled in the FCC Lifeline program for low-income people, and households with children free or reduced -prices school meals. The program will also be available to people who have lost jobs in the past year and reduced their income, the agency said.

Jessica Rosenworcel, the FCC’s acting chairwoman, said in a statement that the program would be open to eligible households within the next 60 days.

The guidelines for the program could also open the program to the 117 million households that have lost since March 13, when the pandemic hit the economy, according to recent data from the U.S. Census. It is likely that some of the households experienced a short number of hours without losing their jobs.

Experts believe the potential pool of eligible families could quickly exceed the program’s funding. Once the $ 3.2 billion is up, the program will end, according to the National Digital Inclusion Alliance, a group that strives for broadband access.

“There are two things you need to know about this program: one is that it’s very good that it’s in place, and two, it’s definitely not enough,” said Phillip Lovell, vice president of policy development and government relations at Alliance for Excellent Education, a non-profit organization, said. which focuses on improving educational outcomes for high school students.

A $ 12 billion broadband access gap

The education group estimates that it will require between $ 7 billion and $ 12 billion to provide broadband access to the millions of children who do not currently have access – a problem that became acute during the pandemic as almost all schools switched to online education. About 17 million children are unable to report distance education due to the so-called ‘homework gap’, according to a study by the Alliance of Excellent Education in July, the National Indian Education Association, the National Urban League and UnidosUS.

The FCC’s subsidy program is a huge victory for human rights, ‘said Dayton Young, product director of Fight for the Future, a group that strives for Internet access.

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But, Young added, it represents’ the minimum relief we need to provide to people across America who are struggling with the effects of COVID-19. No one has to make a decision between buying groceries and paying for internet access so that their children can attend online lessons, and yet it is a decision that many people have been forced to make over the past year. ‘

The FCC’s Rosenworcel said the program is aimed at helping people who have to sit in parking lots or outside a public library to get a Wi-Fi signal, as well as releasing household budgets that have been affected by the economic impact of the pandemic was harmed. An analysis of Internet accounts by the Wall Street Journal found that the average bill for stand-alone broadband services is about $ 66 per month.

The FCC’s program also includes a one-time discount of $ 100 on a eligible computer or tablet. The internet service discount will amount to as much as $ 75 per month for those living in tribal countries.
