Fauci warns lifting COVID restrictions too early could lead to another wave of infections.

Although vaccinations are on the rise in the United States, the risk of a new wave of COVID-19 infections still exists, Drs. Anthony Fauci, the country’s leading expert on infectious diseases, warned Sunday. Experts have long warned that a more contagious variant of the coronavirus, first detected in Britain, is spreading rapidly in the United States and could lead to a new wave of infections. And it will probably show up faster if more places decide to abandon social measures that slow down the spread of the virus.

The United States has gradually declined in the number of cases and deaths, but it has now stopped. And this is especially important for Fauci. The decline is ‘flattening out’, Fauci said on CBS Face the Nation. And it happens “at a very high level, flattening at a level of sixty to seventy thousand new cases a day is not an acceptable level.” If we look at Europe, which is ‘usually a few weeks ahead in these patterns’, there were also sharp declines and then a plateau followed by a 9% increase in the past week.

As some states loosen their mask mandates and limits for indoor activities, Fauci warned that the relaxation of measures could become a boon to get rid of prematurely. ‘We want to return carefully and slowly to return to mitigation methods. “But do not turn his switch on and off, because it would be really dangerous to have a boom again,” Fauci said. Talk on NBCs Meet the press epidemiologist Michael Osterholm said the United States was “in the eye of the hurricane.”

Speaking on CNN, Mississippi Government’s Tate Reeves defended the decision not to have a mask mandate in the state. “Looking at the numbers in Mississippi does not justify government intervention,” he said. “Our most important tool against the virus is to shoot arms.”
