Fauci warns against comparing Johnson & Johnson vaccine to others

Dr Anthony Fauci on Sunday warned Americans to keep out a specific COVID-19 vaccine, saying all three on the market are ‘safe and effective’.

‘We need to get away from the train of thought. The only way you really know the difference between vaccines is to compare them from head to head, ”said Fauci. George Stephanopoulos told ABC anchor, “This week.”

‘We have three very effective vaccines that are safe and effective. That is the conclusion. ”

The White House chief medical adviser said the latest option – the Johnson & Johnson vaccine – has features that ‘we are really interested in’, despite being less effective than the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines.

‘It has more than 85 percent efficiency [preventing] “serious illness and critical illness, and there were no deaths or hospitalizations in any of the countries tested,” Fauci said.

The comparison of the J&J vaccine with the other two agents is complicated, as Fauci said it was very important.

J & J’s experiment showed an efficacy of about 66 percent against moderate to severe COVID-19, while that for Pfizer and Moderna focused on mild to moderate disease and showed efficacy of about 95 percent to prevent disease.

The J&J trial was also done later and in regions where many infectious new variants were in circulation.

‘I think we need to pull away from these comparative and analytical numbers until you compare them head to head. “Just be very grateful that we have three very effective vaccines,” Fauci said.

Dr.  Anthony Fauci
Dr. Anthony Fauci

In a separate interview on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” Fauci said he would not hesitate to take the J&J vaccine if that was the option available to him.

‘If you’re going to a place and you have J&J, and this is the one available now, I would take it. I personally would do the same, “he told host Chuck Todd on Sunday.

‘I think people should be vaccinated as quickly and as quickly as possible. And if I were to go to a place where they had J&J, I would not hesitate to take it at all. ‘
