The chief epidemiologist of the United States Gobierno, Anthony Fauci, has announced this domingo of a “repointment” of coronavirus contagions across the Christmas festivities and at the beginning of the evacuation campaign has reached the point where it considers the pandemic could be aun llegar.
Fauci was interrogated during an interview with CNN by saying that “his peor is only lying”. “Lo creo”, ha afirmado. “It’s very likely that there will be a reprieve from the Christmas and New Year celebrations,” he explained.
“We are at a critical moment. Podría has more pressure on the system with a post-vacation break. The journeys, the meetings and the new candidates propose to be together at parties … It is very difficult for the people to do nothing”, he stated.
The property Fauci vacated on the 22nd of December and made sure it was found well. “The only thing that happened to me was six or ten hours following the evacuation, when I was able to send a little bit of pain in the brace. It lasted 24 hours, I quizzed a lot more. I was completely disappointed with no other type of effect. nocivo “, ha asegurado.
As for the British coronavirus virus, Fauci indicated that “it does not appear” that the people are more serious and underlined that “the viruses are very much”. “It goes without saying that we are very serious and always preoccupied with having a mutation, but believe that the American people need to record and assume that their ARN virus is mutant continuously. The majority of these mutations have no functional significance”, he explained.
The efficiency of the vacancies against this new cepa is also being studied. “Escape to the protection induced by the vacancies we are currently using? Does not appear to be the case”, he indicated.
In another order of things, Fauci stated that the president of the state, Donald Trump, “should be evacuated”. “The decision to vacate depends on the age and the medicine of the Casa Blanca (…). critical import person “, he stated. Trump now has 74 years and yaa paso the coronavirus is just a week.
The Administrator – General of the Sanadad Pública estadounidense, the general Jerome Adams, also referred to a possible report of the contagios across the parties and said that he had “preoccupation”. “Always have an incremental ligature during the holidays and there is a large increment”, declared in the ABC case.
Thus, Adams has recorded that the recommended sanitary authorities make a test between three and five days after each trip or have had to be with mascara persons to detect possible asymptomatic cases. Además, recomendan estar alejado de collectivos kwesbaar.
In the last 24 hours, the United States has registered 8,353 new cases and 96 deaths from coronavirus, with a total of 19,000,572 cases and 332,145 deaths per new patient, according to Johns Hopkins University.