Fathers, spectators and readers will meet the golfers (VIDEO)


This Saturday barbarism is supported by a deportation event in Russia that simply calls for a friendly competence of the junior judicial category of the citizens of Daguestán and Osetia. A pile in the grades is desmadró, llegó hasta colchonetas and for the sake of people who are sumo to conflict all end in chaos.

By: Infobae

Khabib Magomedov, president of the disciplinary committee of the Federation of Judo de Daguestán, explains in RIA Novosti initiated the episode: “Everything started when the athletes played for more than ten minutes. One of the spectators gritó gritó, agitó la mano o gritó ‘¡Hurra!’ The poster was posted on the page. I started a game in which the deportees were arrested, as I will explain present witnesses ”.

It is in fact the viewers’ turn that the protagonists are having a verbal discussion about what is being called more people and who are crossing the boundaries to jump to physical aggression. The videos show that about 50 people are taking to the streets and debating the magnitude of the violence that has plagued the loneliness of the young luchadores.

Judgments of the junior category will also be summoned to the competition, launching puppets wherever they are. And debit is the event you have to suspend.

Magomedov anticipates that the athletes participating in the battle will be disqualified, in addition to signaling that they will not be awarded medals. In turn, it analyzes live suspensions for all that forms part of this episode that will record the world and generate remorse for the world of justice.

On social media, the episode went viral and various users were molested with the suicidal one and this type of situation does not have to be in a deportation event and much less in a junior category. “This is the example of the ladies of the world”, writes an indignant man while another bromeo writes: “Habría that aggravates music by Benny Hill”
