Famosos lloran la muerte de Martica ‘La del Café’: este es su legado | Show El Gordo y La Flaca


Martica supo win the audience cariño, but also the most famous that we visit in our studio in Miami. It is common to see the stars emerge for a moment, before or after being in the air, plant a tree, give it an abrasion and salute in a fraternal manner.

For that matter, the news of his death has also been heard in various celebrities. In the Instagram account of Lili Estefan, Charity expresses her pain with a pair of sad emoticons and a sad charity. Including, from the account of the bankrupt Celia Cruz, también se le deseó un descanso pleno.

Ana Bárbara also expressed her condolences from the Instagram account of our show. Ahi, Diana Reyes joined the song and wrote: “Tan bella Martica, God receives us with the brazos abiertos . It’s going to be extravagant. “Oswaldo Silvas, of Banda MS, send a message to the family de nuestra entrañable estrella: “Descanse en paz, Martica. Resignación y paz a los corazones de todos ustedes y de toda su familia”.

Martica ‘la del café’ is emotional with these forwarding messages from its Univision friends

Desde Acapulco, Lyn May deseon prone resignation to our production is the Martica family: “An abrasion to all the program. In a downhill descent. Have the honor of knowing”, posted on El Gordo de Molina’s Instagram. Mientras que en la cuenta de Julián Gil, one of the first to react, other colleagues are united in their suffering as Ana Brenda Contreras, Mane de la Parra and Horacio Pancheri, who from Argentina are in solidarity with the large family of El Gordo and La Flaca.

But if they have side by side, the Martian caricature masters of the unification of the Univision forums, inside of them also have trainees. Our correspondence in the New York City, Gelena Solano, resalted his “dulzura” and then reacted ante to his party: “If we run, per we can record with much cariño, admiration and respect. Account of dulzura, account of professionalism and account of our passion. Always say: ‘I want to see how much I want to live in New York’. Anecdotal accounts! “. Karina Banda, Borja Voces and Yvannia García are the only members of the Univision family who are addicted to the song.

Martica ‘La del Café’s is just one example of the many working women that exist in the EU. It was published in this country, Cuba, and began working at Univision in the spring of 1989. It serves the café to the working women of these countries in our chain.


First, commenced to work in a section called ‘TV mujer’ within Chef Pepín’s program. Luego, María López, who was our first producer, kissed the ojo and invited to be from the arrangement.

One day, the producer told the house that he wanted to quarrel and talk to her and Martica about the night before thinking that she had something bad. “¡Niña, are you loca ?!”, was his first reaction when it was announced that Charles was invited to be part of El Gordo and La Flaca. It did not last 12 years.

If you have a professional experience previewing the rooms, Martica surprises with its great solstice and experiences. Greetings from mano and the admiration of Figures made by Hillary Clinton hasta Juan Luis Guerra o Ricky Martin.

“I thought I was pregnant”: Martica, ‘la del café’, received a great reconnaissance over 29 years at Univision

One day, there were many ‘executive producers’ of our show and they shot Gordo de Molina and La Flaca had drastic and entertaining changes in their locker room. Decision retire from the show in the finals of June of 2018 and its delivery was all a homage to his life and career. Tal como lo hacemos ahora, tras su partida.
