Family, colleagues and students despide in their “superhero” | Scenario

Much can be said of the season as actor and director of Albert Rodríguez. Without embarrassment, it is not until now that part of the people knows his vocation as an educator, which results in his proposal for life.

As evidenciaron accompanied artists and students, who will attend the Teatro Braulio Castillo, in Bayamón, to pay homage to the initiation of his velatorio.

Velorio Albert Rodriguez 1 Suzette

Suzette Bacó finds herself in an abrasion with one of the actor’s men. > Brandon Cruz González / EL VOCERO

“The compromise that he has with his students was his proposal of life and he does not believe that we will study it clearly in it. These students are alive and always have been well cared for by the mentally gifted young girls, opportunities, creating much in them, ”said Suzette Bacó, who was the wife of the artist.

One decade ago, Rodríguez joined Deddie Romero at the National Talent Academy. Conducting his efforts in educating school deserts and establishing plants, one in Bayamón and another in Arecibo, from which the actor is general manager.

“It has always been that we do not reincarnate, that we will soon be able to launch our sueñas. He was a fan of Los Avengers and did a ‘sticker’, so he was the big one, his emotion was like that of a ninth in Navidad. It can be burnt through the teeth in sentiments and always our allegorical transmission. He was the superhero of the school ”, said Nelsie Ramos, alumni of Arecibo, a THE VOCERO.

Velorio Albert Rodriguez students

The students Nelsie Ramos and Diego Rosario testify to the quality of being human and educator of the artist. > Brandon Cruz González / EL VOCERO

“It was trembling to be human, always coming to a council, a new teaching. We motivate all the days that we do not have reindeer, that life is one and we have to approve every second. Fue tremendo maestro de teatro, ese legado se quedeará siempre ”, punctualizó el student Diego Rosario.

From the family of familiar and inseparable companions of the artistic class: Bacó, Marian Pabón, René Monclova and Jorge Castro, as well as Romero, Raymond Gerena and Ulises Rodríguez. These are the last administrators of the theater.

Velorio Albert Rodriguez 2 Marisol Calero

Producer Raymond Gerena and actors Marisol Calero and Gil René are present. > Brandon Cruz González / EL VOCERO

“Nadie is prepared for something like this. “But we agree with the satisfaction that there is a person who is absolutely beautiful, that he lives in fullness and that everything is his world,” Gerena said.

Rodríguez directed all of Gerena’s theatrical productions, which took place as teaching “that life is one, that it is fruitful, that life is full”.

Also performing are Wanda Sais, Linnette Torres, Los Rivera Destino, Danilo Beauchamp, Nicole Colón, Wanda Sais, Sara Jarque, Alejandro Gil, Modesto Lacén, Gilda Santini, Emmanuel “Sunshine” Logroño, Florentino Rodríguez, Víctor Alicea, Carmen Lugo Velyda Francis Rosas, Tita Guerrero, Marisol Calero and Loubriel, among others.

Velorio Albert Rodriguez 3 Danilo

Danilo Beauchamp, Nicole Colón, Linnette Torres, Los Ribera Destino, Wanda Sais and Alejandro Gil, among others, performed at the Braulio Castillo Theater in Bayamón. > Brandon Cruz González / EL VOCERO

El velorio estuvo cerrado a la prensa y al public, ‘n solicitud de la familia. It was announced that the fourth stage was being sold and a comedian’s image was being projected on the interior of the theater. The continuous velocity is high in the Jalvin Funeral Home, Añasco and will be located on Saturday in the Municipal Cement of this people.

Afinan new homage and special retransmission

From the teachings of the educator as well, Suzette concluded that “the greatest thing is to live, here and now. Albert’s me hermano hace 34 años, solamente lo vi dos veces enojado. He receives love, allegory, vows of living, compromise ”.

Velorio Albert Rodriguez Memorial

A memorial will be posted with some of its most representative articles. > Brandon Cruz González / EL VOCERO

The communicative actress who has been designing realizes a homage to the public, with videos and anecdotes of her companions. A series of dynamic films about the realization of the fairy tales in El Remix, from Wapa TV, which is dedicated. The program will be repeated on Saturday, at 21:00

Hermandad artística by Albert Rodríguez

Rodríguez failed natural causes on March 15, 58 years ago, at his residence in Bayamón.
