Families of migrants are self-separated on the front, Dollesteen Patrulla Fronteriza

(CNN) – Migrant families are “separating and separating” in Mexico, sending nineteen soloists to cruise to the United States after being fired, CNN said the United States Frontline Patrol Patrol agent in the river valley Great.

“What we are looking for, each time, is that families are separating themselves from each other in Mexico,” said Brian Hastings, who leads the most active sector of the Frontier Patrol in the United States, in an interview on Monday.

From February 24 to March 23, there were 435 incidents in the Texas region where nine detainees were detained crossing the front only to have eviction prevalent with their families as part of the health pandemic order known as the “Title 42”. The report is based on intelligence that Patrol Fronteriza has no companions who are being held by his guardians, according to Hastings.

The Biden administration has claimed to have been dealing with a number of immigrant childbirth numbers that it has overridden in recourse and provoked conditions of incarceration. The situation also contributed to the length of the nine extended periods at the Patrulla Fronteriza custodia, with more than the legal limit of 72 hours.

Migrant men are reunited with their mothers in EE.UU. 4:08

Family car separation cases on the front

To subscribe to the preoccupation with the club associated with the increase in unaccompanied minors, Hastings shared a video of a nineteen, 10 year old, who, according to him, was seen alone in the camp on April 1, grupo con el que viajaba lo dejara solo.

“Can I help you?”, The question was asked by an agent of the Frontier Patrol who suspected that a grenade had been fired at the child and alerted the authorities. The video was promoted to CNN by the show agency that appeared to be patrolling the Frontier initially on the spot that it said was dead.

She was traveling with 80 more people, without children, according to Hastings. Habían gave birth to a baby about four hours ago, said Hastings, and agreed that “when he dies, he does not know where he is and what he is doing.”

If the circumstances of the nineteen year ten are included, including the comma and by which wine in the United States. It is also discussed if a car separation case is taken.

Unsurprisingly, this type of incident is known as “common”, says Hastings, and aggregates that he found nines in the mouth of the river with a phone number written in his voice, while others were ejected from the balls by contrabandistas.

In the Great River Valley sector, it has already raised 167,000 hallazgos since the beginning of fiscal year 2020, this year 26,000 at the end of the same period in 2019, during the frontal frontal flu.

“We are going to create the numbers”, dijo.

More than 22,000 minor unaccompanied minors are being held in the region this year. The number of families entering the area is increasing “very rapidly”, said Hastings, referring to the current demographics.

Consequences and deaths?

In the midst of the most recent influenza on the front lines, the Biden administration has continued its confidence in a Trump-era salute, known as Title 42, which allows federal officials to expel migrants during the pandemic, in lieu of pass through immigration processes or asylum in EE.UU ..

The administration has an exception for the children, who are transferred to the Department of Health and Human Services of EE.UU. (HHS, by his seals in English) “People only say that we do not want them to be alone in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg without helping their children,” said President Joe Biden during a recent press conference.

It is our duty to avoid that the desperate nests in Mexico may have a consequence not to die, since it appears that some families have decided to take the wrong decision to send them to the other side of the front without them.

This is not the drama of the immigrant children in EE.UU. 1:01

The Patrol Fronteriza is confronted with nine detainees who were allegedly detained with a family member and expelled from Title 42, and wanted to enter the United States only, Hastings said, “knowing that there will be many.

Hastings says that the agency intends to bring together so much intelligence to determine current trends and traffic patterns, but it is said that “it is very difficult to have so many people” interview all detainees, given the large volume of people.

According to the Trump administration, scientists living in the United States on the front lines of the United States with their crucible will only have their say on a policy that obliges migrants to live in Mexico to hear from their audience in Estad. a menudo in peligrosas conditions.

Last week, CNN reported that the Office of the Aduanas and the Frontier Protection of EE.UU. (CBP, by its English records) finds a record number of unaccompanied minors in March, following preliminary dates, stating the preoccupation with alza.

New installations to accommodate immigrant minors

The Biden administration has been eager to establish emergency situations to accommodate the migrant children, many of whom have been living in poor conditions. The CBP operates large temporary carps to help manage the influenza of immigrants crossing the frontier between the United States and Mexico, including one in Donna, Texas, located in Hastings’ area of ​​responsibility.

The HHS has recently announced a series of new installations, supporting convention centers, military sites and avenue shelters, to accommodate minorities.

In addition to the new installations, the administration has taken steps to close rapidly the nines of the frontier installations and to provide a more adequate attention to HHS.

“We have been working very hard with our social partners at HHS to treat ourselves with a high level of activity,” said Hastings. “But it needs to be intensified and will be working for the time being.”

More than 350 children are being held on sale in the region, said Hastings. “Do not follow the rhythm”, says Hastings about the number of installations of the HHS which are compared with the large number of nines that are empty.

The 10-year-old, found the fours, is fine, says Hastings, and stays at the CBP custodian from the moonlight. The agency is working with the HHS to get it on board with “the fastest possible”.

In March, due to the mayor’s transparency, the Gobierno allowed some members of the communication media to record a temporary installation of the CBP in Donna, Texas, a part of the sector that oversees Hastings. In the interior, the chambers are housed in new closets on top of the other in plastic capsules, there are counters of smiths and tens of thousands of people being tried by immigration authorities.

The following installation has a very high capacity, with an average of 4,200 immigrants, the majority of children, in the installation – on the moon – it has a pandemic capacity of 250. It is built to accommodate only 1,500 people, Independently of the pandemic paws.

Some families are allowed to stay

Many families are also allowed to stay in the United States, as is the state of Tamaulipas, Mexico, which is located in the valley of the Great River, not accepting the eviction of family members from the EE.UU. Family influenza, along with the large number of children, is affecting resources and capacity, said Hastings.

To provide the best information about the staff and facilities of the region, some migrant families are transported by bus or plane to other regions of Texas, mainly to Laredo and El Paso. In other cases, the agency will release to families without a “notice to compare”, which will listen to the paper to speed up the process and close the Gobierno custodian persons more quickly.

The situation is “abruder for the agents”, said Hastings, especially from the Donna installation, of which 500 people are trained in plastic capsules, which are destined to accommodate up to 38 people.

“It is very difficult, very difficult for the people who have their spouses, fathers, husbands, husbands for this amount of children in our custodia”, dijo, haciéndose eco de algo that the administration has said repeatedly: lie down for someone, especially children or families in the large plaza «.

– Priscilla Álvarez, de CNN, makes an important contribution.
