Fallen sixth victim of ex-player Phillip Adams tras tiroteo

Phillip Adams’ brain was studied to be an investigator and he had signs of Traumatic Chronic Encephalopathy following a tiradeo that killed six fatal victims in addition to the juvenile suicide

Robert Shook converts to the sixth fatal victim of the crime in which he was involved with the ex-judge of the NFL, Phillip Adams, antes de quitarse la vida, ocurrido el pasado merercoles en Rock Hill, South Carolina, agreed with a WRAL.com reporter.

Adams, a defensive back ex who played in South Carolina State a collegial level, established from 2010 to 2015 in the NFL, not the total of 78 encuentros, 11 de ellos como titular. Time spent on planters San Francisco 49ers –quienes lo eligieron en la septima ronda del Draft 2010-, New England Patriots, Seattle Seahawks, Oakland Raiders, New York Jets y Atlanta Valke.

El pasado merercoles, Adams disappear and take care of Dr Robert Lesslie, to his wife, he has two nets, in addition to a technician who is working on the medicine hog. Shake, a technical second that works in the case of Dr Lesslie, failed Saturday after spending several days in the hospital, lying on his back.

The legislator of South Carolina, Ralph Norman, dijo’n WBTV que Lesslie it was about Adams, and that the attack is produced as a consequence of which the doctor has the day to prescribe drugs to the player. Norman if you are looking for something close Dr Lesslie.

During a press conference hosted by Jueves Pasade, the Alguacil of the State of York, Kevin Tolson, dijo que no podía confirmar ninguna médico médico pasiente entre el Dr Lesslie y Adams.

Phillips’ brain will be studied to detect Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE by its seals in English), a degenerative disease that has been associated with reiterated head injuries, including some that are present in American football.

The York State Forensic Medicine, Sabrina Gast, said in a statement issued by the firefighters that he had obtained permission from the family to include the procedure as part of his autopsy, which took place at the University of South Carolina Medical School.

“Puedo decir que es un chico bueno”, dijo Alonzo Adams, father of Phillip Adams, ‘n WCNC el pasado jueves. “Think American football is ruined“.

Some years ago, the league agreed to pay millions of dollars to retired players who argued that the NFL escondió evidencias sober los peligros de jugar al futbol americano. A recent study found signs of the disease in 110 of 111 cerebros of ex-American football players, cerebral cerebral palsy analyzed after his deaths.

“Our brave sons are the victims of this devastating tragedy”, expressed the NFL in a communiqué respecting the success.

AP information was used in the editing of this note.
