Fallece with 32 years old Cuban ballerina Alfredo Quintana

1 | 02/26/2021 – 11:06 AM (GMT-4)

Alfredo Quintana, Cuban porter of the Portuguese team of balloon man Porto, bankruptcy this winter in Portugal, where permanent entry into my very grave tras sufrir este lunes un paro cardiorrespiratorio, informs his team to the press media.

Quintana, born in La Habana, was 32 years old when he suffered a cardiac attack during training. Since then, they have been waiting for the intensive care unit of São João Hospital.

Tras confirms his decision, his team shared on social media a message in which he assures that the Cuban will be “always recorded” in the joint.

Alfredo Quintana lived in Cuba until 2009. Llegó made a decision at FC Oporto in 2014, tras nationalized Portuguese, debuted with the loose selection, with which accumulated 72 international matches.

Antillano había logrado consolidasse as one of the best cancerberos of the Liga portuguesa, afianzándose también as one of the most unbalanced players in its position at international level, both in categories of clubs with selections

The second step, Quintana tuvo a paper relevant to the selection of Portugal in the World Cup of Balonmano of Egypt, an event key to show the good yield of the joint louse.

The Oporto team also recently won the Champions League match against Meshkov Brest, in Belarus.

Portugal will play France, Croatia and Tunisia from March 12 to 14 in Montpellier in the Olympic classification tournament for the Tokyo Games.
