Fallece the leader of the Congregation Mita, Theophilo Vargas Seín, known as Aaron

The leader of the Congregation Myth, Theophilo Vargas Seín, known as Aaron, failed, is still 99 years old and has undergone various health conditions.

The notice was leaked to the social red Facebook on his brother Samuel Beníquez, and confirmed by the Congregation in a press release.

Lords, my father Aaron (Teófilo Vargas Seín) world leader of the Congregation My failure. Geen hooi nada más que decir ni más tiempo para seguir ocultando la verdad. Solo orar por su alma ”, Beníquez wrote in a Facebook post, accompanied by various photos.

“All feligres and ex-feligres have a union with love, love, forgiveness, respect and solidarity. We forgive the ones and the others for what we are forgiven. We love what we love. Unidos somos más fuertes ”, overfló.

Lords, my father Aaron (Teófilo Vargas Seín) world leader of the Congregation My failure. No hay nada more than …

Posted by Samuel Beníquez on Monday, January 18, 2021

The Vice President of the Congregation, Rosinín Rodríguez Pérez, expressed in written statements that “our friend Aaron passed away on January 18, 2021, at the 99th anniversary of his death, debating a historical extension of cardiovascular conditions. Until the last moment of his life, he is accompanied by his loved ones and his team of doctors, who are the brindaron to all the love and the mayor of the attention and care ”.

“Hoy nuestra iglesia celebra el nacimiento de Aarón a la vida eterna, descanse en paz nuestro amado padre y líder espiritual, Aarón”, abundance Rodríguez Pérez.

The Congregation Mita afirma is Puerto Rico’s autonomous church. Following his biography on the Congregation’s webpage, Aaron was born on October 23, 1921 in Hatillo. In 1970 he joined the board of directors of the Congregation Mita.

Reaction Luis Raúl Torres

On the other hand, the representative of the Popular Democratic Party, Luis Raúl Torres, who belongs to the Congregation, issued a statement reiterating the Aaron Legacy.

“Founded the Collegio Mita Congregation, the Equida El Paraíso and the Office of Orientation and Social Work of the Congregation Mita; created musical ensembles, bodyguards and vigilantes, among others, actions that replicated in other countries where it was established by the Congregation Mita. It is dedicated in body and alma to the development and expansion of the Congregation Mita and will always be united and generous with the project. The integrity of his residence, master in his actions and, in his life, an eternal servant of God. “He is honored by the fact that the reluctant company has an eternon Trono de Gloria,” Torres said.

On the other hand, Governor Pedro Pierluisi offers his condolences to his family.

Lords, my father Aaron (Teófilo Vargas Seín) world leader of the Congregation My failure. No hay nada more than ...

Posted by Samuel Beníquez on Monday, January 18, 2021

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