Fallece Ricardo González Gutiérrez ‘Cepillín’ 75 years ago

Ricardo González Gutiérrez, better known as Cepillin , failed this Monday at the 75th anniversary of a series of hospitalized diseases in Mexico City. Fue su hijo, Ricardo González Jr. who confirmed the sad news that there was a lot of nostalgia for a generation. La noche del domingo, anunció que la salud de su padre se reporta com grave, y pidió al public que rezaran por el.

Ricardo González Gutiérrez 'Cepillín'© GettyImages
Ricardo González Gutiérrez ‘Cepillín’ marks a generation with his infantile themes

Last week, Cepillin entered the hospital for a dollar due to a stroke. In the following days the tubercle is intubated for cardiac complications in addition to padding a neuron through a vertebral column surgery.

In recent days, he has also been informed that the baby has been diagnosed with cancer. The nurse was able to find out about the interventions that took place in the hospital and pretended to treat her in order to improve any of the complications in her health. “When the hospital performed the operation on a cancerous tissue, it had lineage, then the immunological system had my bowel movement and for that reason the patient had to undergo intensive therapy because the immunological system had,” he said. hijo frente a variety of communication media.

A better but never better

To the delight of the panorama, it is hoped that this March Cepillín will make a high altitude. The same paycheck of the TV informs its fans what it is with its salute. “I was very deterred, the emphysema was falling apart. For all, he wants to sell adelante, he echoes all the wins “, he explained in an interview with Gustavo Adolfo Infante.

Ricardo González Gutiérrez 'Cepillín'© GettyImages
The health of the song deteriorates in recent days

The corrective notice for social speeches, in which those who follow children in infancy are full of nostalgia. Cepillín marked a generation between the decades of the 80s and 90s with his infantile songs in addition to films and acts alive with which the coronation of the public prevailed. Celebrities who know how to read or enjoy sharing their songs will be most embarrassed.

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