Fallece Dustin Diamond of ‘Salvados por la campana’ 44 years of age

Dustin Diamond, known for interpreting Samuel “Screech” Powers in the exit comedy “Salvados por la campana”, murié el lunes por lâmana tras paser un mes internado com consequence of a pulmonary cancer in a stage four.Tenía 44 years.

According to the TMZ portal, the actor’s representative, Roger Paul, informs that “his condition has increased enormously since last week, and that he is sacrificing his respirators with the intention of taking palliative care”.

Asimismo the quoted mid-signal that the actor’s novel “instita a su lado cuande faleció”.

In mid-January, it was announced that the actor had been interned at a Florida hospital during the diagnostic test, and that he was informed that he had stage 4 pulmonary cancer.

The Diamond representative informed us that the interpreter was receiving treatment, including chemotherapy sessions, and that the situation was serious.

Diamond started his career with little peppers in the movie for “Yogi’s Great Escape” in an episode of “It’s a Living” in 1987, but only one year later the paper he loved was known. In ‘Good Morning, Miss Bliss’, a Screech performed during 13 episodes. The program is based on “Saved by the Bell”, which was published by Diamond for some time back in 1992 and then unites to spin off the “Salvados por la campana: Los años universitarios”.

Nonetheless, all changes for the actor during this time and a very controversial person lived inside the entertainment industry. Although there have been some appearances on television, most of them took part in a porn video in 2006, with which he relaunched his career. It has the same direction, but in an interview admitted that it was not during the most explicit scenes, but a double.

In 2009, the acting audience ‘Behind the Bell’, the historical part of the show, and the description of the varieties of the trade of the manera were negative. In 2013 Diamond admitted that the book was created by a ghostwriter, who interviewed and compiled the book from his responses. For this reason, many parts of the book are made up of statements made here.

At the end of 2014, Diamond was arrested in Wisconsin for possessing an auto-navigator, which allegedly occurred during an altercation at a bar in which a man was shot. Amanda Schutz, on the other hand, who also sold a public order altercation cargo in connection with the incident, pleaded guilty to $ 500 in debt.

On May 29, 2015, Diamond was condemned by minor delusions: bringing an occult army and public order altercation. Absolute load from the heaviest cargo, which in public duty was imposed on public safety. One month after he was sentenced to four months in prison; of these only complete three months and could be in conditional freedom. However, his conditional release agent ruled that Diamond violated the terms of his conditional release and was arrested in May 2016.
