Fallece Cepillín, ‘the pay-per-view’, a Mexican entertainment lender | Gente | Maintenance

At the age of 75, he was hospitalized for malpractice in the cleft palate.

This mañana is a concoction of the comedian’s decant, song and Mexican circus Ricardo González Gutiérrez, known in the world of entertainment as Cepillín.

At the age of 75, he was hospitalized for malpractice in the cleft palate. The bankruptcy notice was confirmed by his wife, who also informed that his father had been intubated while presenting cardiac complications and with a numbness to the operation of the vertebral column. Here is the information in the media Millennium.

Bautizado como “el payasito de la tele”, interprets various themes that accompany the infancy of many little ones, como Cepillín, Las mañanitas, Tomás, The forest of China, between others.

According to the local media of Mexico, during surgery the vertebral column of the comedian is detected by cancer. “Voy a decir algo que yo quería que mi papa lo dijera cuando el saliera, porque la idea era que iba a salir el dia martes, pero se nos complicaron las cosas y lo voy a tener que decir ahorita. When the hospital performs the operation on a cancerous tissue, the sea, it has lineage, entones the bay the immunological system to my father and for that reason the tuvieron who is in intensive therapy, because the bay is the immunological system ”, informo su hijo Ricardo González a la prensa.

There are details of his sepulcher. (I)
